Am I getting old?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Nick's get bent thread made me think about how the harshness/hardness of the music is generally inversely proportional to one's age. My last two music purchases were Johnny Cash's 4 disc set, and Raising Sand - a collaboration between Robert Plant and Alison Krauss.
It's really good though, if you like that bluesy, folksy sound. Most of the songs on the CD were written quite a few years ago. It's a good listen.
Nick's get bent thread made me think about how the harshness/hardness of the music is generally inversely proportional to one's age.

That's my feeling as well. I'm starting to sound like my Dad who used to complain about my rock music. He used to say "That's not music!!!" Now when I hear Hip Hop and "Gangsta" Rap, I say, "That's not music!!!".
That's my feeling as well. I'm starting to sound like my Dad who used to complain about my rock music. He used to say "That's not music!!!" Now when I hear Hip Hop and "Gangsta" Rap, I say, "That's not music!!!".

We've turned into our parents. Sigh.
Nick's get bent thread made me think about how the harshness/hardness of the music is generally inversely proportional to one's age. My last two music purchases were Johnny Cash's 4 disc set, and Raising Sand - a collaboration between Robert Plant and Alison Krauss.
While I love Alison Krause I did not enjoy that collaboration as much as I like her country stuff. But I too just bought some Johnny Cash.

As for our parents being right? My dad liked Spike Jones and Enrico Caruso, my mom liked the Moody Blues and Lee Ann Rimes
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While I love Alison Krause I did not enjoy that collaboration as much as I like her country stuff. But I too just bought some Johnny Cash.

As for our parents being right? My dad liked Spike Jones and Enrico Caruso, my mom liked the Moody Blues and Lee Ann Rimes

What's not to like about Spike Jones? :rofl:
What's not to like about Spike Jones? :rofl:
He was great. I loved that my dad held on to, and listened to his 78's. Mom liked newer music. But neither loved it the way I did. I really got into music. Then as I got older I drifted away from it. Thanks to the iPOD I got back into listening to music and playing an instrument
I don't listen to much country, and the only reason I found out about Alison Krauss was from the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack which I bought, another sign I'm getting old. :D
I dunno, I find myself singing along with my kids' Nickelback, Matchbox 20 etc. But my oldest also has some headbanger stuff that I wouldn't have listened to even when I was in my Clash phase way back when.
My daughter listens to everything, and really likes some of Zappa's instrumental stuff like Zoot Allures, and loves the part on the Steve Vai album (Flxible I think) where the teacher's voice says "That sounds like NOISE, Mr. Vai!"

I dread the call from the principal next year when she's in Kindergarten - "Your daughter is teaching the other kids to sing 'Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow'".
I hope you get attacked by a shark. :D
We've turned into our parents. Sigh.

And the sons become the fathers and their daughters will be wives
As the torch is passed from hand to hand
And we struggle through our lives

Though the generations wander, the lineage survives
And all of us, from dust to dust
We all become forefathers by and by

Dan Fogelberg (RIP)
I don't listen to much country, and the only reason I found out about Alison Krauss was from the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack which I bought, another sign I'm getting old. :D

She's actually REALLY REALLY good in concert, too. She is definitely not the stereotypical 'studio' artist like so many people on the radio are today.
I dread the call from the principal next year when she's in Kindergarten - "Your daughter is teaching the other kids to sing 'Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow'".

Wait till she learns the words to Bobby Brown and Catholic Girls....:eek:
My daughter listens to everything, and really likes some of Zappa's instrumental stuff like Zoot Allures, and loves the part on the Steve Vai album (Flxible I think) where the teacher's voice says "That sounds like NOISE, Mr. Vai!"

I dread the call from the principal next year when she's in Kindergarten - "Your daughter is teaching the other kids to sing 'Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow'".

or Dynamo Hum.

Ah, the classics....
When the time comes that you realize that you like to listen to the music, rather than having it driven into you, you'll make the shift.
I still like "Straight Outta Compton" by N.W.A., but I always feel like Michael Bolton in "Office Space when I listen to it. Nothing like old school Gangsta Rap. I only listen to it when I'm alone, since it's NC17 language isn't so great for the kids.:redface:

For the most part, though, my iPod music collection tapers off once you get to recordings from later than, say 1995 at best, with most coming from 1985 or earlier.

I loved Spike Jones when I was a kid. My grandmom gave me one of his albums. Probably drove the rest of my family nuts.
I still like a lot of the loud music my parents thought was noise, but I've always had very eclectic tastes in music.
One thing that has changed with age, though, is that I no longer need to constantly have a loud soundtrack for my life... I'm into peace and quiet most of the time nowadays.

And speaking of Spike Jones... nobody could mangle a schmaltzy standard like him, and that band was incredible!!
Screw that. No I haven't. I may have to grow old .. but I sure
as heck don't have to grow UP.
Same here.

If I remember correctly my mom liked Perry Como, Andy Williams and Broadway musicals, and my dad liked military marches which he liked to play LOUD. If I hear any of these things my memory is jogged but I don't go out of my way to listen to any of it.