Alzheimer's Awareness Film on Youtube



Anyone here have to deal with a parent or other relative who has Alzheimer's Disease? Fortunately, I've never had to and hope I never do. My sister has had a couple ladies in her assisted living home who did.

I've heard Boortz talk about how it affected both his parents before they died and now his sister has Alzheimer's. I don't envy any person who's parent begins to forget their life and who is there to see them.

This film was done as an awareness from the perspective of a young teen girl whose mother is developing Alzheimer's. The title is, "My Name is Lisa."
Haven't watched the video yet, but I can attest to the tragedy of Alzheimer's. My grandmother that basically raised me as both my parents worked, developed Alzheimer's shortly before we moved to Iowa. I'm not sure she ever realized that we were even gone. It was HORRIBLE to see such a strong and smart woman drift away into a great 'nothing'. I remember being bored when she would keep telling the same old stories over and over while growing up, but now I would give anything to be able to sit and listen to her tell those old stories again.

My other grandmother has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's as well. Luckily, they caught it early enough that they have her on medicine to slow the progression, but she is still a different person. While in Gatlinburg, TN over the weekend for my cousin's wedding, she woke up in the hotel at 4am and couldn't figure out where she was. My grandad woke up and eventually calmed her down. Once again, a very strong lady that is slowly drifting away into a large empty space.

I try to find a way to support Alzheimer's research whenever I get a chance. I wouldn't wish Alzheimer's on my worst enemy.
We lost my mother-in-law to Alzheimer's 4 years ago. As noted above, I wouldn't wish it on my own worst enemy, either. Horrible disease.