I just tried the simulator, and using the CLR key does reproduce what I was getting.
Why the heck did they use "CLR" to mean "declutter"? I used to think the 400 Series had an intuitive user interface, but now I'm starting to wonder.
Garmin user interfaces, as a rule, are T E R R I B L E.
That same CLR button, if you hold it too long, takes you to a default page instead. It's also used to mean "no" (as opposed to ENTER, which is "yes") in a bunch of places. It also backs out of menus.
Basically, they have crammed too many functions into too few buttons.
But, once you get it, it's the same crappy interface on all the Garmin products.
You get to find more of their over engineered crap interfaces when you transition to G1000. 430s only have one bust button (CDI on an ILS or LOC approach). G1000s have at least three. I found the Class B bust button during my transition training (no I didn't bust, but I discovered VNAV silently overrides your altitudes if the alt bug is higher, which sucks when you're aimed at a Class B shelf).
Those guys think it's a good idea to set off an
alarm when you're 1000 feet below your altitude setting in a climb. I can't tell you how many times that's made me go look for faults, when it really was telling me I was climbing normally and in two minutes I might have to do nothing ('cause the AP is set to capture altitude).