What's up with the attorney and his past dealings with Riverside has to do with billable hours, and lots of them - and his need to dictate how a city is run. For those who aren't in the loop, the CA in our town (who is not well-liked) is not a full-timer, he's a contract guy from a big firm in Kansas City. He has been our CA since I believe 2002 or 2003 and he was also the CA in Riverside, MO when a huge development project was getting ready to get underway - one that makes 3EX look like tinker toys honestly. $300M project. Delay upon delay, in 2007 to 2009 they blew through 5 developers who put proposals in front of the city, and it was the same thing. Closed-door meetings. Lawyer-dominated process. Developers not allowed to present their plans to the city (dontcha think that's kind of crucial?). One spoke up and the KC Business Journal ran three articles on it. Finally, the CA tried to hire an "expert" to tell the Mayor/Council that the land should be developed straight industrial (I've got a bit of development/AEC background from my marketing career so this story fascinated me), but the Mayor was adamant that it be developed mixed-use. After that "expert" was hired, the CA was let go. The development is going crazy with construction right now....as mixed-use.
The Business Journal also dug up Riverside's legal billings, keep in mind while they have a casino and a fair amount of industrial development, they DO only have 3,000 residents. Their attorney's fees in I believe it was 2007 surpassed that of two major KC suburbs with 130,000 and 170,000 population bases, and major development and expansion themselves.
So yeah, there's something going on here in our situation with the CA. It's certainly not Riverside. But the City is so far refusing to turn over their legal billings to the media outlets who have requested them. We have submitted a request as well through our attorney, but we're still in the middle of our 72 hour period in which they have to produce the records.
Just a bit more backstory - but again, thank you all for signing! Greg, I owe you beer AND a dinner, or if the airport ever does get that restaurant, maybe a significant credit.