Aircraft Electrical Components in Redding, CA


Pattern Altitude
Jul 5, 2013
Northern NV
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This shop did a 500-hour inspection on my Dakota's single-drive, dual mag just 20 hours ago.

Yesterday we made a 400nm flight following a friend up to Oregon who needs avionics work done. My wife and I were his ride home... along with our mutual CFI as our friend was getting an IFR lesson on the way up.

During the run-up mag check for the flight home, the engine completely died on the right mag and backfired twice. I am worried it may have done muffler damage. My CFI (now in my right seat) thought I had turned it off. I was sure I had not but it ran fine on the left and both. One more test (in case I had accidentally turned it off) showed the right mag was completely dead.

The mechanic at the airport pulled the mag off and the right plastic gear is missing about a third of it's teeth.

I am not sure if I have any recourse with the above shop... my local shop sent the mag there for service so I have never had any direct dealing with them. Now I think I should probably overhaul the mags (not just IRAN). On top of that, my shop never sent them the capacitors. From the paperwork it looks like the gear was not replaced during the inspection.

Any idea of the general reputation of this shop or what my next step should be to get my plane home?

Same shop, different shop...???

We rented a car and drove 12 hours back home... got in at 2:15am last night.
If there were any repairs done during the inspection the shop should make it right on heir dime. Failure at 20 hours is not acceptable.
What is the shops written warranty policy? A shop I delt with years ago had a one year 100 hour warranty on repairs and 30 days 10 hours on inspections. No longer in business. Luckily I had no issues with their work.