Air-to-Air Piper Clipper


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
Had a fun photo shoot up in East Texas the other day and to top it off, I got some really good Cajun food! We've had flooding and weeks of gray skies and rain. It cleared off on Sunday and the weather was perfect. I had a deadline of Monday on this one, so it was a close call!







Great pics as always Jack.

Y’all affected by the bridge getting washed out?
Great pics as always Jack.

Y’all affected by the bridge getting washed out?

No, the bridge is West of me, but we’re worried about people out that way with more rain coming tomorrow.
Water rudders down? If one the pilots for the air taxi I worked for landed with water rudders down it cost him a 1/2 rack. Payable to the mechanics...:rolleyes:

Nice pictures..:)
Water rudders down? If one the pilots for the air taxi I worked for landed with water rudders down it cost him a 1/2 rack. Payable to the mechanics...:rolleyes:

Nice pictures..:)
First, thank you!

He said he would catch hell for that! When we took off, we lost radio communication. I could hear clicks on the radio, but nothing else from him. He thought it might be his headset, but to reach behind the seat to grab another one, he had to put the water rudders down. The he forgot to put them back up! He did catch it on his pre-landing checklist and didn't land with them down! Worst part is, he's an instructor in this plane, so he's bound to hear about this for a long time!
Great pix as always. I saw something that I had never noticed before. You can really see the down force on the horizontal stabilizer pressing on the fabric.
Keep those great pictures coming,they always brighten my day.
Great job photographing the bird and congrats on the magazine spread!