African flight


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Dec 14, 2011
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So, it may be slightly out of the way for a lot of you but I thought I'd throw it up in case anyone was interested to see what flying is like over in this part of the world. I'm currently in the middle of a three month, 12,000nm flight through Africa in a C182, visiting ~26 different countries along the way. We're currently in our 10th country, Benin, planning to depart for Nigeria in the morning.

The main challenge over here is the bureaucracy! Ridiculous requirements for permits, capricious government officials demanding backhanders, and crazy airport setups make just getting as far as takeoff a real challenge.

I'm keeping a diary of the trip with maps and pictures at if anyone would like to know more!

Seen any good machete fights ? How many bribes have you had to pay so far ? Are you taking that Malerone stuff for malaria ?
I am envious! We were last there in 08' and did the Northen Serengetti trek for two weeks. Then off to Zanzabar for a few days of R&R. Fond memories of the people and culture. Happy traveling!
Seen any good machete fights ? How many bribes have you had to pay so far ? Are you taking that Malerone stuff for malaria ?

Machete fights; 0
Bribes; We have paid 0, but it has delayed us, particularly in Sierra Leone.
Malarone; yes! 120 pills of the blasted stuff don't come cheap. In addition were vaccinations for Typhoid, Meningitis, Polio, Diptheria, Tetanus, and a few others I now can't remember.
Trust me, you'll find Nigeria to be very "special". I pray you do not break down anywhere.
Machete fights; 0
Bribes; We have paid 0, but it has delayed us, particularly in Sierra Leone.
Malarone; yes! 120 pills of the blasted stuff don't come cheap. In addition were vaccinations for Typhoid, Meningitis, Polio, Diptheria, Tetanus, and a few others I now can't remember.

Bribe? Yes> to get out of Zanzabar we would not have made our flight. Cost of doing business in Africa....:yes:

I do remember my arms feeling like pin cushions after all the rounds of injections over a few months.
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Ross: this is quite an adventure, and look forward very much to hearing more from you!
We need more pics than that..come on! Sounds fun--I think.
Damn, what a trip!! Makes my journey to Northern Canada seem like flying around the pattern!!
Well, we made it into Nigeria today. Cotonou (Benin) to Lagos for immigration to Ilorin. I think in total we had 2.8 hours flying, and 5+ hours buggering around in airports with bureaucracy. Never a dull moment!
Lagos was fun; we were parked at a gate in the International terminal between an A340 and a B777. Looked a littel out of place in the 182.

OK, that is golden!