Never mind guys--found the answer after playing around on the site a little more. Anybody out here have any experience with aerial photography? I'd like to start to dive into taking some nifty pictures so that I can share the joy of aviation with friends, family, and anyone interested. But I'm not quite sure how safe it is. Obviously, when I'm up in the air by myself, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to be looking through my DSLR when I should be flying the plane, right? I typically fly by myself so I'm hoping this wouldn't compromise safety too much. Would it be a horrible idea to let the guy in the right seat fly (straight and level, of course) while I glance back and forth between the camera and the attitude of the plane? I'm currently a low time pilot so I don't want to get in over my head on this. Never mind guys--found the answer after playing around on the site a little more.
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