Adding existing hours to foreflight logbook ?

scott a franco

Filing Flight Plan
Nov 27, 2020
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I am using foreflight logbook for all my flights right now, since it is pretty much automated.

However I don't feel like entering 30 years of paper logbook entries into foreflight. Has anyone found a way to just enter the flight totals to foreflight, total time, pic, night, etc, so that it reads the current accurate totals? Ie., I want to enter starting values into foreflight.


Scott Franco
San Jose, CA
I added one N number of each aircraft type and put the totals for that type against that N number. If anyone wanted to see something specific like a long cross county I'd have to go to the paper logs, but that doesn't happen very often.
Just make one entry with the right numbers. It won’t sort out complex, tail wheel, etc. if you do it this way of course.
So I couldn't find a way to delete this post. I figured out the answer after posting it, which is to add a fake entry that has the total time from the paper logbook, ie., a 900 hour flight!
But does the big starter entry get you the breakdown of flight times, multi, retract, day, night, x-c, PIC, etc? One of the cool things about an e-log is the instant breakdown of flight times for the 8710-1 form for a checkride application.
Log all of your hours as one flight? Sometimes for insurance you might want hours specified for aircraft type too.
Not FF, but I use Safe Log Pro. It asks for a starting hours entry. It is broken down to TW, Complex, Retract, etc, if you enter it that way.

When I originally started using an electronic log book (AeroLog Pro a long time ago), I entered all my old flights. I just did a page or two each evening in front of the TV.

I still have a starting entry, as I lost my first log book. :(
I added all of mine over a several week period. I started in 1983, but didn't take it back up until the 90's. It took me a while.
I used a handful of starter entries so that I could get the subtotals that I cared about correct (tailwheel, seaplane, PIC, cross country, make and model for some models). I use a separate logbook for gliders because it is set up for some things that regular logbooks don't have (release altitude, maximum altitude, endorsements for particular launch types). I periodically make an entry in foreflight to capture a page worth of glider flights. That messes up totals like "last 30 days".