ACS Standards Question


Mar 18, 2024
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I am just about to take my CFI checkride. My question is, the ACS says for the short field landing that the point is

[clear 50' obstacle, +100', - 0', 1.3 Vso +/-5, over the centerline]

If I pick the thousand footers (threshold bars) which are about 150ft long, does that 100ft start after the bar or where is it taken from? If I were to pick the 500 footers which are only about 50 feet long, how is the 100ft taken into consideration between differing points that can be chosen to touch down?
You pick the point, and touch down within the specified distance from there. If you pick the thousand foot markers, you also need to specify where on the thousand foot markers you’re referring to, i.e., the beginning, the end, or some other point.
Where does the CFI ACS say that? I can’t find it. And I don’t understand what you are asking.

To me “[clear 50' obstacle, +100', - 0']” (If that’s what it says) means you have to clear the obstacle by at least zero feet (or you will hit it) and by no more that 100’ (or you will not be stabilized).

If you are taking about the distance from the point you specify, seem self-explanatory, per @MauleSkinner’ comment.
The exact wording is:


Touch down at a proper pitch attitude within 100 feet beyond or on the specified point, threshold
markings, or runway numbers, with no side drift, minimum float, and with the airplane’s longitudinal
axis aligned with and over the runway centerline.

I’m not seeing anything about a 50’ obstacle. And my examiner never mentioned one. I just got it slow and hit the point.