I did an accelerated IFR with the “AFIT” company, the quality of instruction will vary depending on which specific instructor you get (basically the region you are in), but in the end I passed my checkride and got my IR ticket, so it all worked out fine.
tldr: You will be overwhelmed, so do as much ground study as possible to prepare, have the basics down already to make the most use of your accelerated time.
This works out way better if you are an owner and are going to get your IR in the plane you will be flying. I don’t see how you would do this as a renter, unless you went to a place that can also rent you a IR capable plane for a solid 10 days or whatever it takes.
We have our own plane, so that I understand. And it is equipped pretty good for IFR.
What you need before you start:
- have your written test done already. Use existing CFII to go over any missed questions. Have all your “ground studying” done so you are not wasting the Accelerated instructor’s time (this should be focused on Flight time).
- likewise for the plane make sure it’s 100% ready for heavy training. I had a landing gear problem with my plane which delayed my training. Make sure you know how to work the avionics, autopilot, GPS, VOR, etc. your transponder and pitot-static checks are done, etc.
Great points and I'll use these. My friend is a partner in the plane and he really knows the avionics, GPS, VOR and so on. I'm going to do the same. I will be able to work with him when he returns.
- have some lessons “under the hood” already, so you are not going-in unaware. You should be able to do basic things like maintain steady flight under the hood, again just as a base starting level, so you are not wasting the Accelerated course’s time on basic level flying.
likewise spend some time on the ground knowing how to work the radios, ILS, VOR, set autopilot and program GPS, etc.
Great points.
the best thing I got out of the accelerated course was my instructor and I went out flying cross-countries in actual IMC / light rain for many of the days. There’s “nothing like the real thing” and getting that variety of experience at different airports and different weather conditions I think was highly valuable.
I also recommend the accelerated courses becuse several other pilots I know have been “working on getting IR” for 3+ years now and are still not close to finishing. Just “get it done”.