I'm lucky enough that my home field has a remote relay so we can talk to ATC by radio on the ground, it greatly simplifies things. A couple of other airports I frequent also have this feature. I wish there was some way to know if this was the case or not- the only ways I've found are to either ask ATC or find someone in the FBO who knows. Seems like it should be in the remarks or something... anyway...
As it happens yesterday was the first time I've ever had to do it by phone which isn't really relevant other than just adding to the annoyance. Original plan was to depart VFR and get clearance in the air which is what I'd normally do. Unfortunately, when that plan was made conditions were broken 1600, by the time the engine started up we were down to 900' overcast. I did think about the class G rules and going anyway but I didn't like it, additionally this was a busy-ish area under the Chicago Bravo so it just seemed like bad idea all around.
With the engine already going and not wanting to create problems for anyone coming in, I decided to taxi out and do my runup first then call which is how I'd do it at home with the radio. I like to be able to tell ATC I'm ready to go rather than worry about precise timing... may revisit that practice now. When I called they told me someone was on approach and I'd have to call back in about 5min. Ok, well that's annoying but no biggie. I watched the guy come in and land, then he pulled off the runway and sat on the taxiway exit for a bit.. I assumed he was canceling right there. I called again, flight plan was not closed- call back in 3min. Called back in 3min, still not closed try back in 5....
This resolved eventually with me doing the thing I should have done first thing, I had assumed after all the time that had passed the other pilot would have been shut down but I called on the CTAF and he answered and closed the flight plan. I don't know what was going on with the other pilot and I don't want to rip on him too much- we all mistakes. It was just
really annoying. I just made the mistake of opening up my foreflight track log and I didn't realize it had been that long but I guess I was stopped for a full 20minutes. So maybe I have sufficient cause to gripe here.
Sitting here, I'm wondering... the FBO didn't have the guy and he was on the radio 20 minutes after landing. The self-serve tanks would have been out of view for me. I wonder if he was fueling that whole time and heard me on the radio because he'd just got back in and started up.