A plane crash That I found.

Bob Bement

Pattern Altitude
Jun 27, 2005
Vale, Oregon
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Bob Bement
I was surprised as I opened my April FLYING magazine to the On the Record section. There is a plane crash report there that I flew the search on. The plane was a homebuilt Gann Glassair II-S RG.The article says it was near Baker City, OR. But it was about 26 miles NW of S49 Vale, OR.
The Malheur Sheriff called me at about 9:00 in the eveing to see if I was available to fly a deputy on a search. By the time the deputy got to the airport I had the airplane ready to go. We were running out of daylight, so I took off and headed in the general direction as I was programing the site coordinates into my GPS. We didn't spot it on the first pass over the waypoint location, as the plane was located under a steep bluff that we had to fly directly over. When we turned around and flew back over it we spotted it right away. I gave the ground crew the Lat. and Long. but they still keep us in the area for about an hour and a half to help the ground party find the plane. To add to the excitement I had to land in the worst straight cross wind ever when we got back to my home airport. Bob
Good on you for helping out, Bob! Was it a fatality? What happened that caused the crash? (I'm having Flying subscription "issues" at the moment).
He was at 14000 ft and was picking up ice, he asked for 17000, and went into a flat spin trying to climb. He never got out of the spin. He talked to TCA and told them he was in a bad left spin. 1min. 20 sec later he passed through 5,200 ft and 10 sec later he went off of the radar. The aircraft was total loss as it burned when it crashed. I fatal, the pilot the only one in the plane. I think the destination was Co. Bob