Bob Bement
Pattern Altitude
I was surprised as I opened my April FLYING magazine to the On the Record section. There is a plane crash report there that I flew the search on. The plane was a homebuilt Gann Glassair II-S RG.The article says it was near Baker City, OR. But it was about 26 miles NW of S49 Vale, OR.
The Malheur Sheriff called me at about 9:00 in the eveing to see if I was available to fly a deputy on a search. By the time the deputy got to the airport I had the airplane ready to go. We were running out of daylight, so I took off and headed in the general direction as I was programing the site coordinates into my GPS. We didn't spot it on the first pass over the waypoint location, as the plane was located under a steep bluff that we had to fly directly over. When we turned around and flew back over it we spotted it right away. I gave the ground crew the Lat. and Long. but they still keep us in the area for about an hour and a half to help the ground party find the plane. To add to the excitement I had to land in the worst straight cross wind ever when we got back to my home airport. Bob
The Malheur Sheriff called me at about 9:00 in the eveing to see if I was available to fly a deputy on a search. By the time the deputy got to the airport I had the airplane ready to go. We were running out of daylight, so I took off and headed in the general direction as I was programing the site coordinates into my GPS. We didn't spot it on the first pass over the waypoint location, as the plane was located under a steep bluff that we had to fly directly over. When we turned around and flew back over it we spotted it right away. I gave the ground crew the Lat. and Long. but they still keep us in the area for about an hour and a half to help the ground party find the plane. To add to the excitement I had to land in the worst straight cross wind ever when we got back to my home airport. Bob