A little VFR Mountain Flying in an Airbus A320


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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The description sent to me:

"Landing at Paro, Bhutan in an A320. Definitely VFR only. The Kingdom of Bhutan is landlocked between China and India."


Way more crazy than even the former Kai Tek airport, or the DC River arrival.
That is impressive.

I want to try it.

In a jet, of course

I loved when the Blythe British voice said "Holy Sh*t"

That's a pretty short runway and it looks the takeoff would be rather attention getting too
Wow, that is pretty insane.
They probably had to install some metal in their private areas prior to the flight, or alternatively provide them with adult dippers.

I wonder how a go-around looks like.
Heck, it's just like landing at Gaston's...
Can you imagine being the first person to land a plane like that at that airport?

So, why do folks want to go to Paro and why are there enough of them that they need an airliner of that size to fly in?
I just watched the departure, I heard a little voice in my head saying:Terrain,pull up pull up
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