A happy ending...


Final Approach
Feb 23, 2005
Out of a suitcase
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I thought you all might enjoy reading this...

In March, I noticed there were posters on every mailbox about a lost housecat, responds to Annie. Phone number, photo, reward. I would see the owner, a girl in maybe her mid-20s, walking each night with a flashlight and cans of cat food for the humane traps she had all over the neighborhood.

I felt bad for the kitty and her owner all these months, especially with the rainy and even cold spring. Every time I went to get my mail I saw her photo there and I wondered if she would ever be found. Days wore on, it became weeks and then months. We would have really hard driving rains and I would cringe - I knew what that owner must have been feeling.

I ran into the owner at the grocery store yesterday and her kitty Annie was found last week. She spent over 80 days outside. She is home and seems to be doing OK.

whew! I wonder what that cat must have gone through. She lost half of her body weight.
Had a similar...sort a...situation a while back.

My wife is a cat magnet; every stray in the neighborhood seems to gravitate to her door. I have a firm limit on how many cats inside; there's often a cat seemingly waiting outside ("Standby 1" "Standby 2") for the opportunity to move in.

Had one about eighteen months back. Just showed up, seemed to live at the back door. We were at Max-1, so the wife started oozing the guy inside. Seemed to do fine. The wife took it to the vet, got its shots, and had a "chip" inserted. We named it "Gabby" because it was always meowing.

Then I went out and posted pictures of the cat to local telephone poles. had a call almost immediately, the family cat had gone missing a month earlier.

The woman came by the pick it up. Turns out it had been her aunt's cat; the aunt had died, and they'd taken the cat in. The family had three kids. The cat was NOT used to kids. It had taken off almost immediately.

Anyway, she went out to her car and got in. I carried the cat out to her, and handed it to her through the open door. The cat was squirming. She closed the door and drove away.

Called the next day: The cat had vanished again. My wife kept watch out the back door, but it never showed up. "That chip is probably sitting in a pile of coyote scat," I told her.

Then about three months ago, my wife got a call from a vet in a town about 20 miles south. Someone had brought in a cat, and they'd found the chip in its neck.

It was Gabby. He'd gone about ten miles south, and found a home at a shipping company. He wandered the riverbanks all day, then came back to the shop for petting and feeding. He was the mascot of the whole operation. He'd gained about five pounds, and had all the attention he wanted. Been living there for a year.

Yes, we let them keep him.

Ron Wanttaja
Wow. I bet she is relieved. I can't believe she kept the faith for so long.

We inherited an orange tabby Tom when we moved into the house where I grew up. Roodle Doodle lived his own life. He'd go walkabout for a month or two at a time, then show up looking 100% and saying "Hey, how 'bout a little dinner." Cat was so big you could almost ride him.
My husband has always wondered if the Kat he had for 12 years was someone's kitty.

A co-worker kept telling him about the poor kitty that was living in the storm sewer of her condo complex, asking Karl to rescue it. Finally Karl went with, is it smelter gloves (?) the big giant thick leather gloves up to your elbows, and a can of tuna. He caught the cat, put him in the car where he screamed all the way home. Let him loose in the house, and Kat immediately ran and hid behind the dryer. Next morning he awoke to a cat sleeping on his head with a toenail in his nose.

Kat (named MooKat) had been front-declawed sometime in his past and the vet thought he was about 4 years old. Lived with us for 12 years until we put him to sleep when his life sucked with oral cancer.
I thought you all might enjoy reading this...

It's always good to hear when one finds their way back home.......3 of our 4 are rescues. Just like Ron's wife, my Bride is also a cat magnet.

My wife is a cat magnet; every stray in the neighborhood seems to gravitate to her door. I have a firm limit on how many cats inside; there's often a cat seemingly waiting outside ("Standby 1" "Standby 2") for the opportunity to move in.
The cats version of a waiting list for hangars.....seems like the word is out!
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My husband has always wondered if the Kat he had for 12 years was someone's kitty.

A co-worker kept telling him about the poor kitty that was living in the storm sewer of her condo complex, asking Karl to rescue it. Finally Karl went with, is it smelter gloves (?) the big giant thick leather gloves up to your elbows, and a can of tuna. He caught the cat, put him in the car where he screamed all the way home. Let him loose in the house, and Kat immediately ran and hid behind the dryer. Next morning he awoke to a cat sleeping on his head with a toenail in his nose.

Kat (named MooKat) had been front-declawed sometime in his past and the vet thought he was about 4 years old. Lived with us for 12 years until we put him to sleep when his life sucked with oral cancer.
Yeah, our story is kind of like that. A coworker had two cats, and rescued a third from the street. That was Max+1 for them, so we took him from them. We've had him for about 13 years now. He'll get all up under our feet when we're walking, and jump on the keyboard while we're on the computer, but if anyone else comes in the house, he's suddenly nowhere to be found!