Next is death."I believe I can roll this plane."
You was wrong.
Can't believe that one of his "friends" (the one talking to the trooper) planned to buy and aircraft from the deceased pilot, KNOWING that the pilot had a history of reckless flying and "overstressing aircraft", as he put it.
I don't get it, why did he feather one engine in cruise? Just for fun?
Bruce,Uunspecified psychiatric disorder.....
I've gotta disagree here ...I don't intend to justify this person's actions but this tragedy could have been prevented. This person was sending out distress signals that were not detected. What I learned from reading that NTSB preliminary report is that if I hear a fellow pilot say absurd things like this pilot was saying, I would report him immediately (to his wife, the FSDO, the FBO, his other friends... whoever is willing to listen) even at the cost of loosing a friendship.
I've gotta disagree here ...
This guy put out distress signals that were IGNORED by everyone around him. They all saw them, and told the FAA about them after the fact, but they did NOTHING about him while there was still time to do something. I can certainly understand the social resistance to acting on it, but by not acting, look what was lost!
Uunspecified psychiatric disorder.....
Quoted from the report
"The airplane was destroyed. The private pilot and 4 passengers were fatally injured. ""
The problem I see is, that 4 other folks thought he was a good pilot.
We need a method of informing the public that he is a nut case.