A-65/A-75 parts needed


Cleared for Takeoff
Aug 29, 2006
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Matt Michael
I'm overhauling my Continental A-75 and am scrounging for parts as most of my stuff is pretty worn out. After calling all the Barnstormers ads and scouring ebay for weeks I'm a bit discouraged, mostly because stuff is both expensive AND in "looks good" but really unknown condition. By the time you buy, pay shipping, and get the bill for magnifluxing you end up paying too much for something that may not be any better than what you have. If anyone on this forum has anything sitting around that might improve my situation I'd love to year about it. Mainly needing bottom end stuff as I'm in pretty good shape for cylinders. Thanks,
Matt Michael
i know where i can get a 2 prop strike crankshaft and some bent lifters. any help? ;)
I'm overhauling my Continental A-75 and am scrounging for parts as most of my stuff is pretty worn out. After calling all the Barnstormers ads and scouring ebay for weeks I'm a bit discouraged, mostly because stuff is both expensive AND in "looks good" but really unknown condition. By the time you buy, pay shipping, and get the bill for magnifluxing you end up paying too much for something that may not be any better than what you have. If anyone on this forum has anything sitting around that might improve my situation I'd love to year about it. Mainly needing bottom end stuff as I'm in pretty good shape for cylinders. Thanks,
Matt Michael

Does this mean no winter first-flight for the 'baby? :( ;)
Does this mean no winter first-flight for the 'baby? :( ;)

Looking pretty unlikely. Might have parts ready to build the motor early January. Need nice weather so I can make the money to pay for it all too.

The upside is that I'm going to have one nice motor with no questionable issues to worry me on long cross-country flights.

At 80mph they will ALL be long flights.

Looking pretty unlikely. Might have parts ready to build the motor early January. Need nice weather so I can make the money to pay for it all too.

The upside is that I'm going to have one nice motor with no questionable issues to worry me on long cross-country flights.

At 80mph they will ALL be long flights.


can't wait!
Looking pretty unlikely. Might have parts ready to build the motor early January. Need nice weather so I can make the money to pay for it all too.

The upside is that I'm going to have one nice motor with no questionable issues to worry me on long cross-country flights.

At 80mph they will ALL be long flights.


Awesome! Where are you doing the rebuild - here or in WI? I might have some time on my hands in Jan (depending on my job situation at that time) to help turn a wrench or two if you're doing it here.

I would say that a healthy engine is a primo necessity for those backwards xc flights. ;)
Ah, you remember the backwards XC plans... Very good. Yes, Tony and I are lobbying the FAI for a new record catagory.

I'm doing the engine myself here in Ames with Wayne supervising. I brought the plane back home and I'm sprucing up my shop space now. Should be real nicely insulated and well lit within a couple weeks. Going to do some other stuff to the plane while waiting for the engine parts to come back. Probably going to mortgage the house too while I'm at it.

I'm really looking forward to building the engine. The hard part is all the prep; the magnafluxing, the bad news, the scrounging... Once I have everything ready to go, all lined up around the nice clean workbench, the actual build is going to be really cool. Tony will be back by then. We can stoke the woodstove, crank the oldies station, have a beer, and while-away the winter nights meticulously assembling a pristine example of exquisite, if antique, air-cooled internal combustion motive power to carry me on countless fantastic voyages across this great land with nary a hic-up like a group of down-and-out post-holiday santa's elves!

I'll drink to that!



Awesome! Where are you doing the rebuild - here or in WI? I might have some time on my hands in Jan (depending on my job situation at that time) to help turn a wrench or two if you're doing it here.

I would say that a healthy engine is a primo necessity for those backwards xc flights. ;)
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sounds good, then i could just pass out in the garage. probably warmer than the trailer anyway :)
sounds good, then i could just pass out in the garage. probably warmer than the trailer anyway :)

Hey, I know... You can just sleep in the Fly Baby! It's got a canopy now so you stay fairly warm even if the woodstove goes out.
I'm overhauling my Continental A-75 and am scrounging for parts as most of my stuff is pretty worn out. After calling all the Barnstormers ads and scouring ebay for weeks I'm a bit discouraged, mostly because stuff is both expensive AND in "looks good" but really unknown condition. By the time you buy, pay shipping, and get the bill for magnifluxing you end up paying too much for something that may not be any better than what you have. If anyone on this forum has anything sitting around that might improve my situation I'd love to year about it. Mainly needing bottom end stuff as I'm in pretty good shape for cylinders. Thanks,
Matt Michael

These are on E-Bay