dppintr2 Pre-takeoff checklist Joined Nov 3, 2014 Messages 118 Display Name Display name: No Longer Here Sep 3, 2016 #1 - Last edited: Nov 6, 2024
AdamZ Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Feb 24, 2005 Messages 14,869 Location Montgomery County PA Display Name Display name: Adam Zucker Sep 3, 2016 #2 That's cool. Always wanted to go to those countries. Lots of neat aviation stuff going on in the Czech Republic.
That's cool. Always wanted to go to those countries. Lots of neat aviation stuff going on in the Czech Republic.
Art VanDelay Pattern Altitude Joined Mar 7, 2011 Messages 2,409 Location Del Boca Vista Display Name Display name: Art VanDelay Sep 3, 2016 #3 That looks a lot like the ship Rimowa brought to OSH in 2015. Be sure to copiously sample the local beers there. They are unquestionably some of the finest in the world.
That looks a lot like the ship Rimowa brought to OSH in 2015. Be sure to copiously sample the local beers there. They are unquestionably some of the finest in the world.
BigBadLou Final Approach Joined Aug 6, 2014 Messages 5,175 Location TX - the friendliest state Display Name Display name: Lou Sep 6, 2016 #4 Did you go to Vodochody? Or Mosnov? One of the biggest hangars in Europe to work on 747's. (that's why they had to expand the rwy years ago)
Did you go to Vodochody? Or Mosnov? One of the biggest hangars in Europe to work on 747's. (that's why they had to expand the rwy years ago)
M mtuomi En-Route Joined Sep 6, 2013 Messages 3,056 Location Dallas, TX Display Name Display name: dera Sep 21, 2016 #5 I flew to Vodochody a few years ago in a Saratoga. Cool and very GA-friendly airport, and the hangars are _massive_.
I flew to Vodochody a few years ago in a Saratoga. Cool and very GA-friendly airport, and the hangars are _massive_.