6Y9 2023 Fly in/camp out

And before everyone starts asking what this is all about, see the threads from the last almost 20 years in this section! I can't hope to do justice to the wonderfulness that is the Fredericks' hospitality in a single post.
Sounds fun, wish I could make it.
For me. Yes. Didn't enjoy that at all.
You shoulda seen what it was like on board! :p

But yeah, that's why I went up for a test flight empty. Perf charts said I could do it loaded, but with very little margin. There are lots of variables on grass fields especially, so I wanted to see what real world might look like with more of a margin (thanks to leaving a few hundred pounds behind). And that's why everyone else left with Ed, and I picked them up at KLNL.

At least I haven't heard any more whining about what a wimp I am.
You shoulda seen what it was like on board! :p

But yeah, that's why I went up for a test flight empty. Perf charts said I could do it loaded, but with very little margin. There are lots of variables on grass fields especially, so I wanted to see what real world might look like with more of a margin (thanks to leaving a few hundred pounds behind). And that's why everyone else left with Ed, and I picked them up at KLNL.

At least I haven't heard any more whining about what a wimp I am.
So what I'm hearing is:
Comanche > Mooney.
It’s only been 10 months, but I forget… do we show up Friday or Saturday?
What are the chances of actually seeing an aurora at this fly-in? I have never seen one, but southern Indiana is usually too far south.

Also I don’t like crowds and I’m nervous about flying so far from home. But I like camping, grass strips, and small towns, so there is that.
What are the chances of actually seeing an aurora at this fly-in? I have never seen one, but southern Indiana is usually too far south.

Also I don’t like crowds and I’m nervous about flying so far from home. But I like camping, grass strips, and small towns, so there is that.
That all depends on solar activity. We have seen them a few times, but no guarantee.
What are the chances of actually seeing an aurora at this fly-in? I have never seen one, but southern Indiana is usually too far south.

Thread hijack, but where in southern Indiana? I’m by Evansville.

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