6 place single engine piston fixed gear

Nah, cost is less than double. Unreliability/downtime is probably up 3x though. :D

/not bitter at my second starter adapter this month
A twin doubles the chances of loosing one.
I haven’t seen that picture before. What an epic shot. Is there a high-resolution version available, so I get it blown up to the size of my hangar wall?
Arguably one of the coolest planes ever built, especially so because it actually saw legit service, wasn't just a test prototype that did a few flights and was scrapped.. I got that photo fron CNET, there's a guy there, Geoffrey Morrison who has a bunch of cool B36 stuff


Maybe ping the author?

Also, a Steampunk enthusiasts wet dream here:
All it really needs is six JPI and a 430 with two G5 and you're all set to bring it up to contemporary standards
All it really needs is six JPI and a 430 with two G5 and you're all set to bring it up to contemporary standards
I had to wire 8 thermocouples for my 4-cylinder IO-390’s CHT and EGT probes. I’m going to take a hard pass on any project involving 168 cylinders.
...Not all of us want to spend everything we have on aviation. :D

What's that old saying? Something about the road to hell being paved with good intentions...;)