$50 for a Nice Tri-Pacer?

Ken Pedersen

Jul 21, 2011
Chesterfield, MO
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Ken Pedersen
The humanitarian charity Wings of Hope reports that after only 2 months they've already sold over half of the raffle tickets for a Tri-Pacer most recently owned by the country entertainer Roy Clark. The winner of the plane also gets a free pilot's course and a Lightspeed headset. The award is also transferrable to a friend/relative of your choice. Only 1000 tickets remain to be sold before drawing the winner's name. For more info click on www.wingsofhoperaffle.org
The humanitarian charity Wings of Hope reports that after only 2 months they've already sold over half of the raffle tickets for a Tri-Pacer most recently owned by the country entertainer Roy Clark. The winner of the plane also gets a free pilot's course and a Lightspeed headset. The award is also transferrable to a friend/relative of your choice. Only 1000 tickets remain to be sold before drawing the winner's name. For more info click on www.wingsofhoperaffle.org

If I win the plane, can I give the rating to someone else, or use it for an instrument ticket?
If I win the plane, can I give the rating to someone else, or use it for an instrument ticket?
A good question... and here's another: will the income tax due on the plane be based on the normal market value for that year/make/model/condition, or on its possible value as a celebrity-owned plane?

Just wondering... I'll probably buy a ticket regardless.
Here's some info from Wings of Hope:
  • Valuing the plane is between the winner and his tax preparer. The fact that it was celebrity-owned is pretty subjective and therefore hard to quantify.
  • Trading PPL instruction for something else is a great question, but Wings of Hope can't offer such a tradeoff. Roy Clark is making the plane available to create new pilots, hence the PPL award.
  • The 3-part award (plane, instruction and headset) is transferrable either in whole or in part. Whoever wins can "donate" any part of the award and pick up a nice tax writeoff.
Here's some info from Wings of Hope:
  • Valuing the plane is between the winner and his tax preparer. The fact that it was celebrity-owned is pretty subjective and therefore hard to quantify.
  • Trading PPL instruction for something else is a great question, but Wings of Hope can't offer such a tradeoff. Roy Clark is making the plane available to create new pilots, hence the PPL award.
  • The 3-part award (plane, instruction and headset) is transferrable either in whole or in part. Whoever wins can "donate" any part of the award and pick up a nice tax writeoff.

Got it; thanks.

If I were to win, I'd like to give the free instruction to someone I know, but if they want to offer it in another raffle or whatever, that's fair enough. Such a thing is not as useful without an airplane included (I'm assuming it does not include aircraft rental), but hey, it beats paying for all that dual.

Another idly curious question: do you have any info on the aircraft beyond the specs listed on the website? I'm thinking equipment: avionics, etc.
For further specs you'll have to contact Wings of Hope at 636.537.1302. Before deciding to raffle the plane they were going to enter it in what used to be called the Powder Puff Derby so I'd guess that the avionics are relatively current.
Wings of Hope was pleasantly surprised at how fast these tickets sold. They expected ticket sales to trickle into early 2012. After a slow start in July ticket volume really took off in August. The sale of the 2000th ticket was recorded around 4:00 p.m. CDT on Sept. 28 and the raffle was closed. Entries received after the closing will be fully refunded. Unfortunately due to contracts and cancellation deadlines not all ads were able to be cancelled so some will appear thru November. The drawing will be held on Saturday Dec. 17 and all ticket holders will be invited to attend.
Nice date to pick. I have my fingers crossed. Probably won't make the meeting but I'll come down to fly the plane back.
One can dream, plus we all know someone has to win!
The drawing was held yesterday at Wings of Hope's HQ. The winner, someone from TN, was not present and will be notified by Certified Mail. Wings is now giving some thought to another auction....likely an aerobatic capable Aeronca -- timing unknown at present.
The drawing was held yesterday at Wings of Hope's HQ. The winner, someone from TN, was not present and will be notified by Certified Mail. Wings is now giving some thought to another auction....likely an aerobatic capable Aeronca -- timing unknown at present.

Congratulations on a successful raffle, for a good cause. Be sure to let us know when the next one comes up.

Roy Clark's Milkstool- how cool is that?!
The drawing was held yesterday at Wings of Hope's HQ. The winner, someone from TN, was not present and will be notified by Certified Mail. Wings is now giving some thought to another auction....likely an aerobatic capable Aeronca -- timing unknown at present.
I was hoping you would say Ma not Tn. Congrats to the winner. A fine plane he got.
Hang in there, gang....the winner hasn't claimed the prize yet. When the winning number was drawn 2 alternate numbers were also drawn and are being held by Wings of Hope's auditors. If no claiming at the end of 30 days the prize will be awarded to the 1st alternate.
The winner, Larry Farr of Knoxville, claimed the prize. He's new to General Aviation and that coincides with why Roy Clark offered this plane for Wings of Hope's raffle -- to promote more interest in general aviation while assisting Wings' efforts in ferrying seriously ill and needy kids to and from medical treatment.

Wings of Hope will be offering another raffle soon.....this time a low time Cessna 150 complete with pilots course. Notice will appear in the usual magazines or you can periodically check the website www.wingsofhoperaffle.org