4 Fatal Single Engine - KHSD Oklahoma City 8/6/24


Jan 11, 2021
Oklahoma - Arkansas
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Single engine crash about 3 miles from my house. Local chatter on FB indicates it was on takeoff and maybe struck a hay bail before going into trees (unconfirmed though)? Besides being insanely hot yesterday (about 102-103 F) it was a relatively calm day with typical 10-15 kt south winds. Not sure on a tail number yet.
N8095U, was a BE33 Bonanza. Accident was said to be around 1830Z

Here’s the METARs from nearby Wiley Post around that time:

METAR KPWA 061753Z 20008KT 10SM CLR 37/19 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP152 T03670189 10372 20244 58006

METAR KPWA 061853Z 10SM CLR 37/16 A3002 RMK AO2 SLP146 T03720161

Density altitude of around 3800’. Runway is 5000’ long and slopes up to the south at 0.8%

No ADS-B tracks on this flight, but based on prior tracks, the plane seemed to be based at HSD and on many recent flights, would often begin a right crosswind at 2-400’ off the ground at about the DER of 18, fly northwest along Highway 3 to Okarche, north to Kingfisher, then east to join a long straight in to HSD. Quite possibly practicing RNAV approaches to 18.