2nd class medical advice?



I received my class 3 medical in early 2012. Now I am at a point where I need my 2 class medical. After reading it appears that there is really no difference between the two other than how long they are valid for and I’m sure cost. During my class 3 I disclosed I had mild intermittent asthma and I provided a PFT from my PCM and all was good. I was told without contacts I was 20-200 but with contact I was corrected to 20-20. Would any of these be a problem to get my 2nd class?

I only went to the doc twice this year. Once for my annual checkup (all good) and once for some testicular pain. I was diagnosed with a stage 2 vericocele. I was not prescribed anything and I declined the surgery at this point in my life. Could this be a problem? And I assume I would have to now click the box for “other illness, disability, or surgery”??

Other than those things I have no surprises but wanted to make sure I would have no problem with these 3 items.

Thanks for your time.
The Asthma- you didn't mention a critical item for the answer of the question: are you on meds? And which ones.

Vision- it has to be 20/20 corrected in each eye at 20 feet.

The varicocoele if it's not LARGE, is not a issue.
Asthma is very mild, it is allergy induced so during the spring or fall I take claritn-d and I use albuterol when needed(all previously noted).

The varicocoele is not large (that I know of) but I was having some discomfort so I thought I would get it checked out (in case it was something worse!). So does that mean I check the other illness block because of that?

My eyes are corrected to 20/20 so I figure then nothing should be an issue..right..

Thanks for the fast reply!
Second class with albuterol is RIGHT on the line of requiring a Special Issuance. The next question is have you had a prolonged period of time (5 years) in which you have not had an episode requiring heatlhcare - that is the other route that avoids a 2nd class SI. So if you've had a documented attach after 2008...see next parag.

If you are going to need the second class SI, you'll need a current set of pulmonary functions, a summary letter from your doc stating that your stamina is not imapired in day to day life.
I have never been to the hospital or doc for an acute attack. Now the VA just gives me a refill every year at my annual. But I have never been to the doc in my life for an attack. Oh it gets deeper see I was medically separated from asthma (again disclosed during my class 3) from the service in 05. I had a PFT done in 05 as well with my civilian doc and he noted no obstructions and even wondered if I had asthma. But since then no specific asthma related visits to anyone.

Again thanks for the fast reply!!
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