I received my class 3 medical in early 2012. Now I am at a point where I need my 2 class medical. After reading it appears that there is really no difference between the two other than how long they are valid for and I’m sure cost. During my class 3 I disclosed I had mild intermittent asthma and I provided a PFT from my PCM and all was good. I was told without contacts I was 20-200 but with contact I was corrected to 20-20. Would any of these be a problem to get my 2nd class?
I only went to the doc twice this year. Once for my annual checkup (all good) and once for some testicular pain. I was diagnosed with a stage 2 vericocele. I was not prescribed anything and I declined the surgery at this point in my life. Could this be a problem? And I assume I would have to now click the box for “other illness, disability, or surgery”??
Other than those things I have no surprises but wanted to make sure I would have no problem with these 3 items.
Thanks for your time.
I only went to the doc twice this year. Once for my annual checkup (all good) and once for some testicular pain. I was diagnosed with a stage 2 vericocele. I was not prescribed anything and I declined the surgery at this point in my life. Could this be a problem? And I assume I would have to now click the box for “other illness, disability, or surgery”??
Other than those things I have no surprises but wanted to make sure I would have no problem with these 3 items.
Thanks for your time.