2021 Airventure Poll

Will in-person, on the ground, at KOSH, 2021 Airventure happen in 2021

  • Yes, and I'm going!

    Votes: 82 64.1%
  • Yes, but I'm going only if I get the vaccine

    Votes: 15 11.7%
  • Yes, but I'm not going

    Votes: 11 8.6%
  • More likely like last year - virtual

    Votes: 10 7.8%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 10 7.8%

  • Total voters


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Aug 21, 2008
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Time to start planning...
Step one: Pack trenching tool and TP for landing in a State on the way there that closed all public restrooms.

Step two: Plan fuel stop far enough away there’s less “disturbed ground” around the ramp, but close enough for a reasonable fuel reserve after circling the lake for two hours.

Ongoing: Avoid POA peeps who’ll be attempting to take cell phone photos of you in compromising positions.

Perfect timing. Just got our email from Sleepy Hollow. Last year was fun but it wasn’t the same without the “show”.


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I'm going if they have it. Didn't think about the vaccine, but yeah, I'd want the vaccine first. It's going to be hard enough to get back into my workplace, unless they loosen up the current travel restrictions that are in place or make a provision for vaccinated personnel.
I’m going and by booking a room last October I got my wife to agree to go with me. Having AC at night was a key requirement for her.

I’m planning on being there Wednesday through Saturday since I’ve always been there for the first part of the week in the past

Step one: Pack trenching tool and TP for landing in a State on the way there that closed all public restrooms.
Those should have been in your flight bag already. :)

Step two: Plan fuel stop far enough away there’s less “disturbed ground” around the ramp, but close enough for a reasonable fuel reserve after circling the lake for two hours.
Two hours? Are you planning to declare an emergency because you just aren't sure if your tailwheel got fixed the week before the show? I spent over 3 hours in the hold in 2018, with a break in the middle to get fuel and catch my breath from the 3-wide, 3-high, and occasional wrong-direction traffic around the lake.

Ongoing: Avoid POA peeps who’ll be attempting to take cell phone photos of you in compromising positions.
Avoiding pictures of yourself in compromising positions is a physical impossibility. Avoiding POA peeps at Airventure is a ROC violation. Good luck on both!
I have a heavy duty commitment at the end of that week, so if I go it'll only be for a couple or few days. I'll be watching the weather. If it's a bad before the show as its been the last few years I'm out. If it looks like its going to pot later in the week I'm out.
Okay, we're trying to figure out where we stand. As of today, we're both vaccinated, so will be "safe." That doesn't mean we're SAFE.

@Over Will Camp Bacon be happening this year? Can we get a rental unit from Van Boxtrel? Is there an interest in the Jambalaya Party?

Planning is exceedingly difficult. We'll see where SWMBO comes in on it. It also depends on whether there are RV rentals available.
High interest but don’t have enough medical data about things completely unrelated to Covid yet.
I'm going if they have it. Didn't think about the vaccine, but yeah, I'd want the vaccine first. It's going to be hard enough to get back into my workplace, unless they loosen up the current travel restrictions that are in place or make a provision for vaccinated personnel.

Vaccinated or not, masks will most likely be required. Wearing masks in the July heat is going to be crazy.
No way it’s going to happen. The only people you’ll see in masks will be people who are there for work, and who’s employers insist.
If you can’t stand the heat (in a mask), get out of the airport. If those are the rules clearly laid out as a condition for entry (masks required), I hope that pilots show that they are not children and follow them.

I don’t see what excuse you could have for not following a simple rule that EAA had the legal authority to make (if they decide to do so), unless you are actually N1NR! Sir, wear a mask. Unable, too busy busting this bravo.

If there is no rule, then it is up to the participant, obviously.
If you can’t stand the heat (in a mask), get out of the airport. If those are the rules clearly laid out as a condition for entry (masks required), I hope that pilots show that they are not children and follow them.

I don’t see what excuse you could have for not following a simple rule that EAA had the legal authority to make (if they decide to do so), unless you are actually N1NR! Sir, wear a mask. Unable, too busy busting this bravo.

If there is no rule, then it is up to the participant, obviously.
You will be in the minority I think. I don’t care what legal authority EAA has over that part of the outside world. No mask here. In regard to vendor tents or other “indoor” spaces I’ll gladly honor any requests made by the people maintaining that space. Wearing a mask outside to satisfy anyone else regardless of their authority will not happen.
I got my second Fauci Ouchi last week.

The EAA has already indicated the current plans: reduced density and masks inside. Masks optional outside. Most of the big events: the special indoor dinners and the big Monday night concert have been canceled.

But Tarheel is wrong. The EAA has absolute authority on the grounds indoors and out. Believe me, we've had people causing problems that have been "trespassed" out. All we have to do is have the nice Winnebago County Sheriff come over if you won't kindly follow the site rules.
You will be in the minority I think. I don’t care what legal authority EAA has over that part of the outside world. No mask here. In regard to vendor tents or other “indoor” spaces I’ll gladly honor any requests made by the people maintaining that space. Wearing a mask outside to satisfy anyone else regardless of their authority will not happen.
Welcome to capitalism. EAA is a private business and can set rules for entry. Choose to not follow them and they have every right to kick you out the door. You have every right to choose to not attend if you don’t like the rules they set.
But saying that you will not follow them because you just don’t feel like it is - childish.
I got my second Fauci Ouchi last week.

The EAA has already indicated the current plans: reduced density and masks inside. Masks optional outside. Most of the big events: the special indoor dinners and the big Monday night concert have been canceled.

But Tarheel is wrong. The EAA has absolute authority on the grounds indoors and out. Believe me, we've had people causing problems that have been "trespassed" out. All we have to do is have the nice Winnebago County Sheriff come over if you won't kindly follow the site rules.
I did not mean to imply or state they did not have the authority. Just that I would not recognize their authority.
I did not mean to imply or state they did not have the authority. Just that I would not recognize their authority.
And you you would likely be escorted out. I've seen it happen (usually with belligerent drunks or other people who decide to push their "rights' on the field.
Welcome to capitalism. EAA is a private business and can set rules for entry. Choose to not follow them and they have every right to kick you out the door. You have every right to choose to not attend if you don’t like the rules they set.
But saying that you will not follow them because you just don’t feel like it is - childish.
Just because you say it’s childish does not mean it’s childish.
Do you always insult people that don’t agree with you?
It is not an insult. It is merely a statement of fact for an argument that you offering up no reasoning behind your actions.

How can you justify knowingly breaking a rule of entry just because you feel like it? That is demonstrably the same way that children act before they learn how rules and laws govern society and keep things running smoothly for everyone.
I did not mean to imply or state they did not have the authority. Just that I would not recognize their authority.

lemme get this straight- you’re saying you won’t respect the authority of the owner of private property while you’re on said property? Good luck with that.
I personally hope that everyone gets a vaccine before July so that they don’t have to have the mask rule (or at least a strict mask rule) and I don’t have to argue with people choosing to break it. But the chances of that are maybe 50/50. Luckily it is now open to nearly everyone, just a matter of getting everyone through the door.
44 years aviating and I've never been. Here is my take - crowded, expensive, dangerously high traffic volumes, everything there can be seen elsewhere.
I'm trying to figure out a way to go, but not sure if I'll have the vacation time to use. Definitely not going to wear a mask outside, but I'll follow the rules for wearing them inside. I'll be vaccined by then, but that doesn't have any bering on if I'll go or not.
It is not an insult. It is merely a statement of fact for an argument that you offering up no reasoning behind your actions.

How can you justify knowingly breaking a rule of entry just because you feel like it? That is demonstrably the same way that children act before they learn how rules and laws govern society and keep things running smoothly for everyone.
I can’t offer up the reasoning for my opinions or the choices I make in regard to mask policies without violating the rules we all agreed to on POA.

I find your “statement of fact” regarding my maturity to be very immature considering you should know I can’t respond in this forum. That is why I find it to be insulting. You make a “statement of fact” without knowing what you are talking about in a forum that prohibits the larger discussion we are skirting around. In my book that constitutes an insult.

I am not a child nor are you. I’m not being childish. Comparing me to a four year old and calling me childish is a direct insult.
44 years aviating and I've never been. Here is my take - crowded, expensive, dangerously high traffic volumes, everything there can be seen elsewhere.

Well you are entitled to your opinion. Mine is you really don’t know what you’re missing. You think you do but you don’t. Having said that the reality is it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and I respect that.
90% successful so far. The 10% where I’m not I just leave and spend my money somewhere else. I don’t argue. Oddly enough it was the opposite numbers just a few months ago. I guess private business owners around here decided they cared more about getting paid than complying with a governors order.

I get it — I live in FL and we’ve been way more open than just about any other State since last summer. I do wear a mask where asked to but take it off the minute I don’t and haven’t worn a mask while in big crowds when it was ok to do so. So COVID doesn’t scare me nor do I plan on getting the vaccine as I’m not in one of the high risk groups, However I think it’s BS for you to blatantly disregarded the wishes of private business owners. Like you said if you don’t like their rules then go elsewhere. Why put them in a difficult position particularly if they are attempting to comply with a local and or state laws that could see them levied with a fine for something you did. That’s just disrespectful in my book.
I get it — I live in FL and we’ve been way more open than just about any other State since last summer. I do wear a mask where asked to but take it off the minute I don’t and haven’t worn a mask while in big crowds when it was ok to do so. So COVID doesn’t scare me nor do I plan on getting the vaccine as I’m not in one of the high risk groups, However I think it’s BS for you to blatantly disregarded the wishes of private business owners. Like you said if you don’t like their rules then go elsewhere. Why put them in a difficult position particularly if they are attempting to comply with a local and or state laws that could see them levied with a fine for something you did. That’s just disrespectful in my book.
I see your point. Thank you for a well thought out response that was not insulting
EAA isn’t “private” in the same way a restaurant is. It’s a membership organization, and most of us are members.

It’s an organization started by a bunch of people with the independence to make their own decisions about what constitutes a safe aircraft design, and the savvy to get the government to go along. The next generation of EAA’ers has the same independence as their organizational grandfathers. They aren’t the type to do what they’re told when they aren’t convinced there’s a benefit greater than the cost.
EAA isn’t “private” in the same way a restaurant is. It’s a membership organization, and most of us are members.

It’s an organization started by a bunch of people with the independence to make their own decisions about what constitutes a safe aircraft design, and the savvy to get the government to go along. The next generation of EAA’ers has the same independence as their organizational grandfathers. They aren’t the type to do what they’re told when they aren’t convinced there’s a benefit greater than the cost.
Yeah, benefit greater than cost. My point exactly. How much of a cost is a sweaty chin? Heck, we fly in little hotbox airplanes all summer long where the temps inside a bubble canopy in Phoenix on a long taxi are enough to make a grown person pass out.
Yeah, benefit greater than cost. My point exactly. How much of a cost is a sweaty chin? Heck, we fly in little hotbox airplanes all summer long where the temps inside a bubble canopy in Phoenix on a long taxi are enough to make a grown person pass out.
I was making the same point. Just from an opposing position.
11CD6077-3AC7-44DC-88B9-5FB2771FDD14.jpeg Will they be requiring shirts? Pants? Yes? No way I’m going, then. It’s my right to subject the world to my body and I’m gonna exercise it! I will wear shoes for MY safety, though...
I'll have to disagree about the "rebeliouslness" of the average Oshkosh attendee. I've been going since 1992 and working there since 2000. The Oshkosh show crowds are perhaps the best of any of these large "state fair"-ish festivals. The crowds usually follow the rules, the grounds are fairly clean, and there's a good air of cooperation. The only real problems have been the introduction of public alcohol sales in the past few years. I hope the extra profit the EAA makes on that is worth the security issues I've seen. I'd not ever seen fist fights until then, even with drinking in the camp sites. Not even the party groups like Pirates Cove and Metro War Birds really caused much problem.
44 years aviating and I've never been. Here is my take - crowded, expensive, dangerously high traffic volumes, everything there can be seen elsewhere.
There are indeed lots of people but the place is huge. And going earlier in the week means smaller crowds. I won’t disagree with the “expensive” part - but so is Disney, skiing, or other popular pastimes.

Not sure I’d agree with the “can be seen elsewhere”, though I haven’t personally been to Sun N Fun (after 12 years of OSH, SnF seems like it would be the actual “can be seen elsewhere” to me): seeing a dozen or more Mustangs parked together in a field or a whole field of RVs or a few rows of beautiful Cessna 195’s parked together or watching powered parachutes at sunrise in a continuous loop like an amusement ride or...

The first year we went I had very high expectations. It exceeded those considerably.

Although flying in is safer than it sounds, driving in is also very reasonable. Again, earlier in the show is probably better.

As for the OP, I personally think it’ll be a go. I think there will be tremendous pressure to make it happen - within EAA (for financial reasons), EAA membership, and the local communities (also for financial reasons). Covid will still be a factor but the vaccine is helping a lot, as is just the natural progression of disease spread.

We plan to go, as part of a Mass Arrival group, and camp together. The biggest risk will probably be the shower buildings in the North 40 but we’re vaccinated and have already gotten the virus so we should be safe. Plus we have no real risk factors.

But back to your comment, I highly suggest going. It’s a big deal for a reason.