2009 Aviation Goals


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jun 9, 2008
El Dorado AR
Display Name

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Gig Giacona
Since we have a How'd you do on your 2008 goals thread I thought a 2009 goals thread was in order.

Here are mine.

Finish building my plane, fly at least 100 hours and visit at least 5 states in the new plane.
Yeah, uncontrolled airspace is much better. ;)
Finish up my Comm rating and also get the multi add on. I've got the written done...just need to get focused an study study for the oral and practice the puppet moves!

Get my PPL. Anything else aviation related is gravy after that.:D
Get off the ground! Bills, Bills, bills.
An affront to the proverbial thread-jack. Thread-iculous?
IR, a least one trip to Mid-West, if not East Coast, some acro-time, and at least 150 hours. :D
Get my Comm ASEL add on done.
Do a boatload of glider rides for my friends.
Drag my Ka-6 to Elmira, NY for the Vintage Sailplane Meet.
Go to Gastons without frying my voltage regulator :)