1963 C182F can't find a gauge for 32.5 gallon tanks


Filing Flight Plan
Sep 3, 2024
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Hello, I've got a C182F and cannot seem to find a fuel gauge to measure my fuel accurately. The one I have is for 39 gallons and when full it reads at above that maybe 42. However the labels on next to the caps read as 32.5 gallons. So I have been digging around online for a few days and still can't find one.

The POH isn't helping about whether there's something I'm missing. Has anyone got input as to what I'm missing or I'm just SOL?
You could make your own. Get a direct read fuel level indicator from aircraft spruce. It is a clear acrylic PVC tube with a scale on the side. The scale on the one I used was not in inches, so I measured every reading with a tape measure. Make sure it is about a hand taller than the tank is deep. I calibrated mine by filling the tank fully, then measuring the tank and marking the tube. Using a siphon tube, I then drained the tank into a bucket that I had premarked at 5 gallons and 2-1/2 gallons. I bought buckets for this purpose. 5 gallon buckets are tapered, so make sure the 2-1/2 gal mark holds exactly 1/2 as much as the 5 gal mark. As I drained the tank I measured the fuel level and plotted it on a piece of graph paper placing a dot on the graph every 2.5 gallons. Once you have the graph plotted, it is easy to add intermediate marks per gallon. Then scribe or paint the marks on the tube.

Make sure the tank is 100% full when you start. When I did mine it was a little low at first and I had to remark the tube. Good luck.
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Hello, I've got a C182F and cannot seem to find a fuel gauge to measure my fuel accurately.

Yeah, they don't seem to make these for the E-M models. Not sure why, Cessna built quite a few. Both Fuel Hawk and Master Fuel Stik have universal versions that you need to calibrate yourself by draining a tank and refilling it in increments. It's worth the effort. I stick my tanks and compare to the fuel computer before every flight.

If you have the standard tanks on your 182F (not the long-range option) they hold a max of 32.5 gallons each with 30 gallons of that usable.

I have similar doubts for my 172B. Book says 21 per side, 19.5 usable. Mailbox letters around the caps say 18.5 gallons....i bought a stick for 20 gallon tanks, but who knows until I drain and refill.
I have a 182E and replaced the senders with a CiES. This was part of an engine monitor install, and I don't think the digital sender would drive the original analogue gauges.
Appreciate all the input! Probably going to upgrade to a digital engine monitor and get a new sender. Thanks.