1940 J5 Ferry flight


Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 16, 2012
Troy, OH
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Just picked this up at KESC and delivered to its new owner at 40I, Piper got it right with this airplane. Flies great and really roomy! I'll be moving it for the owner very soon.


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Owner is missing out on all the fun not moving it himself.
Owner is missing out on all the fun not moving it himself.

He's probably one of those guys who tows his Harley on a trailer to Sturgis...only to hop on it and ride it into town from about 60 miles out. :rolleyes2:

Owner is missing out on all the fun not moving it himself.

The owner just finished his sport pilot in a J3 and is about to finish his Private Pilot certificate. He's going to be moving quite a ways away soon, and I'll be moving it for him. So keep an eye out here for pictures and videos from the next flight!

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Wow what a great looking setup. Have Fun!!!
Leg 2 is underway. Didn't get airborne until 1800 EST
3.7 hours today. 40i - kcfj


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What on Earth is that Cub doing on all that asphalt? Don't you know to get the full experience you should be landing little grass strips in the middle of nowhere?
9.1 total hours today. 'IFR' for a couple of them, detoured to an ag strip up by KSUX to go around weather.



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Always baffles me when owners don't want to take part in is type of stuff.

A sweet prebuy and the flight home are one of the best moments you have with your plane, it's like the honeymoon part :D

Guess you can take the buyer out of the rental, but not the rental mindset out of some buyers.
Always baffles me when owners don't want to take part in is type of stuff.

A sweet prebuy and the flight home are one of the best moments you have with your plane, it's like the honeymoon part :D

Guess you can take the buyer out of the rental, but not the rental mindset out of some buyers.

The owner doesn't his private pilot certificate yet.

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What on Earth is that Cub doing on all that asphalt? Don't you know to get the full experience you should be landing little grass strips in the middle of nowhere?

Who said I landed on the asphalt?

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The owner doesn't his private pilot certificate yet.

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Shouldn't be hard to find a CFI to bring and instruct along the way :dunno:

Ether way, score for you, looks like a sweet trip!
9.1 total hours today. 'IFR' for a couple of them, detoured to an ag strip up by KSUX to go around weather.



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IFR....I Follow Rivers.

You are having too much fun! :D
And today was I follow railroad tracks!

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Always baffles me when owners don't want to take part in is type of stuff.

A sweet prebuy and the flight home are one of the best moments you have with your plane, it's like the honeymoon part :D

Guess you can take the buyer out of the rental, but not the rental mindset out of some buyers.

But, what exactly prevents the owner on taking a similar trip after taking delivery? It's not like the plane can only do one cross country and now that it's done, it's traffic pattern for you sir?
But, what exactly prevents the owner on taking a similar trip after taking delivery? It's not like the plane can only do one cross country and now that it's done, it's traffic pattern for you sir?

Nothing, but like James is saying, there is something special about taking delivery of your new plane yourself.

It isn't always possible (as it appears in this case), but sure is a nice way to inaugurate ownership.

I've been able to fly all three of the airplanes I have owned home and those were some great flights.
I agree.... I bought my airplane as a student. Used frequent flyer miles to get my CFI and I a ticket to indianapolis.

Rental car for the hour drive from there was about $40. Dropped it off at the FBO, signed the paperwork and did a preflight and I was off.

5 + some change hours later, I was in Maryland and it was worth every single bit of it. Also, as a student, I'd say it honestly did a LOT for my confidence in my ability.
Shouldn't be hard to find a CFI to bring and instruct along the way :dunno:

Ether way, score for you, looks like a sweet trip!

Dang, I'm not sure I would have considered a journey like that as a student. Looks like multiple days over remote and mountainous terrain according to the photos. A 1000 mile ride to Sturgis is absolutely zero fun without some conditioning. Likewise, I would imagine 2-3 days in a Cub would be a bit much for a newb. When I was a student, a 2-3 hours at a time in a 172 was about all I could handle. Different strokes.......

Great pics. Looks like a helluva lot of fun.
4.5 days, would still be in Wyoming or coming around the south pass if I had a second person with me.

Dang, I'm not sure I would have considered a journey like that as a student. Looks like multiple days over remote and mountainous terrain according to the photos. A 1000 mile ride to Sturgis is absolutely zero fun without some conditioning. Likewise, I would imagine 2-3 days in a Cub would be a bit much for a newb. When I was a student, a 2-3 hours at a time in a 172 was about all I could handle. Different strokes.......

Great pics. Looks like a helluva lot of fun.

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And I didn't even have a radio in the airplane!

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Then how did you follow the magenta line home? That makes no sense....
Looks like a Great trip. Thanks for the post.
So bear with me, this is the cliff notes version!

Customer contacted me, wanted an airplane to haul him, his wife, fuel and 40lbs of luggage. And he is moving from Dayton OH to Cali next month. I advised him to buy a plane in Cali, but I would do whatever I could for him. He found a J5 that fit the bill, 90hp too. And 25 gallon fuel capacity.

I go to Michigan and do a prebuy, bring it home through Wisconsin, it was in west upper Michigan. Stop at a friends over night and get a ride in a 1929 new standard at Madison WI.

His place


Then on home so the new owner can get some time in it with his CFI, he just finished his sport and is working on his private.
Two days later I load up and punch west!
I have Nav lights that are batt powered, so I call ahead to Peoria, Ill and ask them to leave the lights on a bit longer. No radio of any kind with me. They do and I land just after dark!

Run into a front the next day and rain forced me down in Sioux city Nebraska at an ag strip, great guys! Even had a dolly with a J3 on its nose for storage!
I hang there for a couple hours listening to everything they say, because I'm hoping to do some ag flying soon..


Rain stopped but ceiling were still low, so I followed a river out past the storms. They don't put towers in the middle of rivers :)


Made it to Torrington that night where the guys at Ag Flyers gave me a ride into town and coffee the next morning! As well as let me use there truck and tools since my fuel shut off decide to be a fuel leak valve..

Got it fixed, and off I went that AM, really wanted to stop in Medicine Bow, but I caught a huge lift and had the cub at 12,5, climbed 1,200 fpm to get there even! (I have video evidence) so i didn't want to give that up. Landed at Rawlins where I had my introductory lesson to density altitude, 10,500. Made it out safely, but not by much. Ground effect up the mountain and then gain speed down to break away and keep climbing slowly. I think if I wasn't as familiar with small airplanes as I am, it could have turned out much differently. At Evanston, I waited for it cool off some before I went to Salt lake City.

The pass to SLC, was Gorgeous and the most terrifying terrain I'd flown over, yet...


Stayed the night in SLC #2, then off at sun up the next morning. Saw the salt flats, and stopped at Wendover Nevada, then on west. I skipped over kMWC, and got out on the ground in lovelock about noon, only 2.5 hours till the destination... Photo won't upload, it's at the end... I sleep on the couch a couple of hours and wake up to check weather, still crap... So I post here hoping to find a clear way west! Gumpair gives me solid advice, and I realize I'm trying way to hard to 'find' good weather. So I decided to go to town and get a hotel. For a population of 2,500 they have 10 hotels! The owner of the Cadillac inn, picked me up and dropped me back off at 0500, can't beat that!! Even though the ENTIRE town was closed for 4th of July and I had TV dinners from the gas station, oh well, I've had worse!

Next am I head to Reno, wow their airspace sucks with no transponder! I try to follow 80, but I can see the fog that truckee is reporting in the first turn away from Reno, so I go to Reno stead and refuel.
Grandstands were fenced off, with an 8' fence, so I couldn't get in.pictures aren't loading photobucket, I'll add them later

So I took off and followed gumpair's route. I'm glad I did! It was lower and at 8,500 was super smooth. As I was
Descending I head some really loud noises that scared the crap out of me! Fire walled throttle (all ready there) added carb heat, good drop, so no ice. Checked mixture, good. Mags good, then calmed down and realized I had a metal monster can that was collapsing from the added air pressure! Lol.

There was a TFR around Beale AFB, so I stopped at KOVE to make my one and only call to WX brief the entire trip. It was basically the class C, so stay out of it and I was fine! While flying over KOVE to check the wind sock I saw a 172 on downwind, no biggie, fall in behind him and land. He should have been turning off as I was flaring, but instead decided to back taxi! Lol until he saw me and turned even faster around. I made the first turn off, so we were never really close. Until I left that is, when he didn't see me again... And did a mid field departure cutting me off. Oh well, worse had happened to me. It's amazing I saw him since I didn't have a radio!! A short 20 minute flight later and I was at my destination!

Talking with the FBO owner Honeycutt Aviation, found out we graduated from the same highschool in OHio! We both had a class size of about 50, he graduated with my uncle. I posted on FB that I was here and looking for a ride, with in 30 minutes I had a ride from a fellow pietenpol pilot! Then a United flight and I was done! 29.2 hours from Dayton Ohio to Cali!

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What a blast! Thanks for sharing all that.

Shouldn't be hard to find a CFI to bring and instruct along the way :dunno:

Ether way, score for you, looks like a sweet trip!

Technically speaking, would it even have to be a CFI if the owner didn't care about logging the hours? I'm not aware of any law that would have prevented the owner from tagging along with a CP as PIC, nor from taking the controls at the PIC's discretion. The owner simply would not be able to log the time.

I could be wrong, of course. I haven't asked the Chief Counsel about it. :D

Great trip in any case. Thanks for sharing.

Great trip report!
Lots of fun dropping into little airports. Always an adventure;-)
Was that the J5 that was up in the UP?
Yes it was! There will be another installment soon of VanDy across America!

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Just realized I need to do a write up on bringing this one home too! Colorado to Ohio, and it was quite the adventure at times!


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Just realized I need to do a write up on bringing this one home too! Colorado to Ohio, and it was quite the adventure at times!


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Yes, please do. I had one, an 85 hp, starter, trans. Etc. Great airplane. Fun to fly!! . It had been completely rebuilt (7bcm) and the former owner, an airline captain had spared no expense., new McCauley prop, pants, new jugs, oil filter, etc. In great shape! 30 grand, worth every Penney.