Anybody following this Air Wagner joker? I think he perfectly exemplifies the attitudes at issue here. He really thinks he flies like a boss. Seriously, just watch these.
On the first video with the front camera, I saw a approach light just as minimums was called out.
To descend below DH or MDA the pilot must have the landing environment in sight, run or lights.
Flight visibility, that is what the pilot sees, must be at least equal to landing minimums.
The aircraft must be in position to make a normal approach and landing.
A pilot may not descend below 100 feet above the TDZ elevation....unless the red terminating or side row bars are visible.
So the question is.... did the pilot have a 1/2 mile visibility? Only the pilot can make that call.
After landing, if I was flying and If anyone cared to ask, at DH the approach lights and runway was in sight, the plane was in a position to make a normal approach and landing and there was a 1/2 mile flight visibility. Only the pilot can determine the flight visibility.
I was not there, but personally I probably would have already started the go around about 10 feet above the minimums callout, even if I did see the ground a half second later. But that is a judgment call, I was not in the plane so I really can't make the decision to land or not for this guy.
And yeah, blowing through the localizer was a rookie type mistake. I know because I have done it, and funny, the times I blew past the localizer I was in VMC conditions. Just FYI, you do not blow through the localizer full scale at Flagstaff on the ILS 21 while IMC. At least not more than once.
They were calling zero/zero for the vis. The zero/zero I experienced in Alaska, I could not see the past the hood of my truck while driving....and yes, I drove straight into a big pile of snow that the plow had piled up....I was speeding down the street at a whopping 5 miles per hour.
On the personal limitations I kind of agree. A pilot has got to know his limitations, the planes limitations and have a way out. (with apologies to Clint Eastwood)
I wonder why he did not use differential power on the cross wind landing.?? I can't discuss cross winds because I can't land in calm winds. If the wind isn't 20 or more I am not comfortable...
Seriously, my worst landings are in calm winds. Give me a good stiff cross wind and I'll put it down with hardly a bump.