10 out of 26, or if you prefer, 14 out of 30


Final Approach
Feb 23, 2005
Out of a suitcase
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not a math quiz, in case you were wondering!

having just had the wkd from hell (almost - there were highlights including that my Mom and I got to spend time together) I just realized that this is the halfway point of the year. 26 weeks have elapsed as of this wkd.

and I've traveled by plane, somewhere, 10 of those 26 wkds. i.e. just plain not at the ol' homestead.

Either to the new house in SC... or home to PA... or Italy (that comprised two separate wkds...) or NYC as just passed.

and I further took stock of the fact that the real merry-go-round started the first wkd in December, when I was gone each wkd somewhere. 4 extra weeks, away from home.

I have been away from home just about 50% of the wkds (and of course some weekdays too) in the past 7 months. wow. when I say my life is on spin cycle, it's REALLY on spin cycle.

July and August should be much calmer... Sept and Oct will have a few wkds away each and then before you know it... the hols again. ye gods.
long and short - the weather ruined everything. I nearly didn't make it to NYC Sat morning due to United's unparalleled customer service. several morning flights to the west coast were canned, which meant 100s of people all in one line trying to re-book.

one line.

which means the folks who had real valid flights were in the same line, and, the one hour policy you may as well throw out the window. I showed up an hour early to an empty terminal (with no air conditioning, don't forget that - broken) UNTIL I got to United at the other end.

I don't know how many hundreds of people were milling around. it was worse chaos than Thanksgiving or Xmas.

I never check bags domestically so I should have been easy in and out. but United in their infinite wisdom doesn't separate the easy check-in kiosks from the main check-in area so it was a huge zoo there - you simply couldn't tell who was in the real line or who was in the kiosk line. it was that bad. like caged zoo animals - there were a lot of really ****ed off people.

I was almost panicking - and I don't panic about travel, ever. My Mom was going to be at LGA wondering where the hell I went and if I missed this flight God knows when they would put me on another one.

I assessed my choices and decided this was no time to be polite. sauve qui peut! I went to the "exit" of the kiosks and watched for someone who was almost done. I saw a guy putting his stuff away and I walked up to him and asked if he minded if I jumped in behind him. He obviously couldn't care less so I jumped in, swiped my card, 30 seconds later tix in hand RAN for the security. understand now that it took me a little while of debating (and adding to the milling around) before I made the drastic move so I was pushing it on time at this point. I never did enter the "line" because I could tell it was utterly pointless to even try.

I was the last person on the plane before they closed up. the clean fresh clothes I put on that morning were already sweaty due to the broken AC in the whole terminal and the many people swarming around.

the plane was supposed to be SRO. 100 seater. maybe 30 people on it - everyone else had missed their flight due to the FUBAR customer service. you ask yourself - have these airlines truly never seen this sort of thing happen before? wouldn't it make their lives easier if they hired someone to study crisis management? the same thing in Italy - it's almost as if they are surprised people actually showed up to be let on the airplane. "what is this, there are people here! they want to go somewhere? what are we to do? CROWD CONTROL!"


we made it there without event and Mom made it too but the entire wkd was pouring pouring rain. we had brief pockets of time when we could close the umbrella, in fact the evening wasn't too bad for a few hours. but needless to say all the things we planned became a hassle. we planned this to be a walking walking walking wkd - through the various parts of town... shopping, Empire State Building, Ferry to Statue of Libery, etc. all the things you want to do on a nice summer wkd in NYC. Central Park, Soho, and so forth. we ended up pretty damp and while we did go to some nice restos and yes we did walk and shop a little, not even remotely close to what I envisioned. forget about Central Park. and Ellis Island or anything. We did make it to WTC though, which moves me to tears each time (how could it not).

getting home was an even worse nightmare. long and short, I was supposed to be home at 530 PM and instead got in about 130 AM, in bed by 2 AM. we were the only flight to Dulles that wasn't cancelled. the rains were ungodly. I'll go into it later but I'm sure everyone has experienced this at least once - weather holdups. we sat on the plane for 2.5 hours EXPECTING to go, and then back to the gate to wait. the only good thing about that is you then start talking to everyone around you which was nice actually.

I am glad Mom and I got to spend a wkd together, and we are already talking about re-doing this...

more later, I'm tired just writing this!
woodstock said:
I never check bags domestically so I should have been easy in and out. but United in their infinite wisdom doesn't separate the easy check-in kiosks from the main check-in area so it was a huge zoo there - you simply couldn't tell who was in the real line or who was in the kiosk line. it was that bad. like caged zoo animals - there were a lot of really ****ed off people.

Delta in SFO at least had somewhat of a clue. I arrived last week at 6:10am for a 7am flight back east, and the checkin was nuts. Lines of hundreds of people as far as the eye could see waiting for the self check in kiosks. Luckily, they had a guy there who would ask each walkup what flight they were on, and either put you on one of the several really long lines if you had plenty of time, or put you in the short line if you needed to get through quickly. Luckily, he deemed me to need the short line, and I was thru fast.

I'm surprised someone didn't call you to the carpet for your bold cut move...,
Bill Jennings said:
I'm surprised someone didn't call you to the carpet for your bold cut move...,

I don't think anyone even noticed, it was that bad, to be honest.

I think it's ridiculous - United made their own job infinitely worse by not thinking ahead. 70 people missed my flight... which means 70 more ****ed off people, trying to get on a different flight. and making the line that much longer. one wonders if ANYONE was able to fly anywhere on Saturday.
woodstock said:
and I've traveled by plane, somewhere, 10 of those 26 wkds. i.e. just plain not at the ol' homestead.

I'm just curious as to what it is you do for a living.
It seems as if you must be a travel editor or a clandestine travel shopper/customer service spy like those undercover shoppers.
We have people here at work logging 250-200k miles/year for work, but you seem to be going to FUN places instead of Bakersfield, where I've been lately.
What's your secret.:dunno:
an attorney with a lot of wanderlust. that's about it. and things WILL slow down after this month, I'm tired of being on the run all the time (something most of my friends would never believe they'd hear me say, ever).

not all these trips were "fun", about half of them would be classified as business trips - but for my own interests, not a company. they were interesting however.