
  1. Narwhal

    Does the GTX-45r qualify as a Mode S xpndr w/ G3X + GNC355?

    I have a Garmin GTX-45r mounted behind my panel, controlled through the GDU-465 display in a G3X system. The ifr navigator is a GNC-355. Does the GTX-45r qualify as a mode-s in this install, and if so, what is the best way to make sure it is setup properly?
  2. G

    Determining WAAS coverage

    I'm getting ready for my instrument written a digging through some of the loose ends in my studying. Today, it's RAIM and WAAS. Now, I understand that if I can confirm that if I have WAAS coverage throughout my entire route, I don't need to do any RAIM prediction as part of my flight planning...
  3. G

    GPS Restrictions on Alternate Airports

    Deciphering the AIM's convolutions... Can someone verify that I have this right, or help me correct it. The write their stuff as sort of a long-form analog to a series of double negatives. I work with a lot of attorneys that do the same thing, so I should be more tolerant, but... Here's my...
  4. Michael Colley

    For Sale New GARMIN GNS 530W WAAS GPS Nav/Com 14/28V

    Inquire Here: https://www.aeroavion.com/listing/new-garmin-gns-530w-waas-gps-nav-com-14-28v/ Price: $6,500 This item was sent to the avionics shop for inspection before selling it. It has a fresh FAA form 8130-3. Avionics shop inspected this GPS unit and updated main software and GPS software...
  5. GSDpilot

    WAAS vs. Non-WAAS GPS

    I am considering the purchase of the C182. It has most of what I want, except it has a non-WAAS Garmin 530. It has a Century 2000 A/P that can couple for ILS approaches. I have my PPL, and will be starting my IR with this airplane. I understand the difference between WAAS and non-WAA. Is a...
  6. Glenn C

    For Sale Garmin 430W (28V)

    I'm selling my recently removed Garmin 430W. It works well with no known problems and I am including the memory cards for data and terrain, a new antenna, a tray, and connectors. If you have a 14v system you can get a voltage adapter as needed. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Act now and I'll throw in...
  7. M

    Want To Buy Garmin GNS-430/530

    Looking to LOCALLY purchase a Garmin 430 WAAS 14/28volt. Also open to a 530 WAAS, but those are most likely out of price range. Area is Atlanta. Thanks
  8. S

    Garmin GPS400W, Gray Face For Sale

    Garmin GPS400W, Gray Face For Sale Great Condition, 90 Day Warranty. $4000 or Best Offer Part Number 011-01057-10 Bill