
  1. H

    Merlin Lite

    Ive been thinking about getting an actual plane for my self. When ever I feel like flying I just rent one from our airport. But I've been flying more and more and its only ever been me up there and the Merlin Lite is right in my budget and it seems good but almost too good to be true. Im also...
  2. E


    I am seriously considering one of these. I plan to go look at one, may take someone with me. I am a helicopter pilot, not a maintenance person though. What should I be looking for in the construction, configuration, etc. that a history of pre-flighting other helicopters (mostly turbine, but some...
  3. KeithASanford

    First ever Airventure. What's better, first two days or last two days.

    I'm finally making it to Airventure for the very first time(I'm not flying, just going) but my availability is limited so I can either do the first two days and the weekend before or the final two days(Saturday & Sunday). I'm gearing up to either build a Hummel H3, so I'm hoping to get in on a...
  4. AuntPeggy

    Looking for ultralight pilots to brainstorm

    CFI Hubby wants to talk to ultralight pilots. Wants to know what your issues or questions are. We live in the Tulsa area. Not an advertisement for students.
  5. D

    Carlson Sparrow Aircraft is Back

    Hello Everyone, I Recently purchased the Carlson Sparrow Aircraft company to bring it back into production. Please spread the word. I Still own and operate the Team Mini-max LLC Company also. Regards, David Cooper
  6. S

    For Sale Carlson Saprrow Ultralight

    Greetings from Libby Montana! I love my Carlson Sparrow but am putting it up for sale so I can get a 2 place light sport. My wife is interested in flying with me now that she sees how much fun I'm having. anyway here's a video of the Sparrow. I also have a partially built Sparrow kit for sale...
  7. S

    Any Carlson Sparrow Ultralight pilots out there?

    Greetings! I am brand new to the forum and a fairly new pilot. I took some flight training and now am "learning to fly" in my Carlson sparrow. I decided i wanted fly an ultralight and looked at all kinds of configurations and then decided on the Carlson Sparrow. It took me awhile to find one. I...
  8. P

    For Sale: Aircraft Looking for a GOOD Qau City Challenger II

    I am in the market for a good Challenger II. You can reach me at 251-422-0994. Thanks!!
  9. W

    Want To Buy Aviation Scrap

    Good Afternoon, I would like to take off someone's hands any sort of aviation scrap. Experimental plane that took a hard landing? Caught fire on the ground? Blown over in heavy wind? Prop strike? Stolen/somehow destroyed? I am in no way trying to take advantage of an incident which resulted...