
  1. W

    New Pilot Looking for a Headset

    Hey there, I'm a new pilot currently starting my associates in Avionic Science with a goal of commercial career. As I am working and paying for it myself I need a budget headset that is quality enough to get me through the next couple years through my training. There are so many and such a huge...
  2. arizona984

    Becoming a Pilot

    Hello everyone, Thank you for coming to my thread! I have wanted to fly planes since I was a little girl, and now, I am finally able to begin training to become an airline pilot. I was hoping to get some advice regarding this. I do not have any knowledge about aviation/becoming a pilot outside...
  3. K

    Commercial Pilot Career?

    Hello everyone, My boyfriend is currently considering pursuing a career as a commercial pilot. He's very serious about it and wants to get started ASAP. We've had conversations with admin at the local flight school and they want him to do an associates degree along with the flight training so...
  4. Retro Manger

    Exploring Flight School Options SMO, TOA, VNY

    Hello everybody, this is my first official thread/post after my introductory one and I consider it my first 'real' thread. Once again - thank you for having me here! I am looking at some options for doing a flight review at one of the following airports: SMO, VNY or TOA. TOA is a bit far from...