part 141

  1. T

    Part 141 instrument training?

    What are your thoughts about instrument training Part 141? Outside of the 50hours XC PIC waived what are the benefits? Are students taking the checkride at 40 hours exactly w/ the pathway of 26 hours dual a/c and 14 hours redbird simulator?? What is the average time frame for instrument students...
  2. B

    Part 141 Accelerated Training Question

    Looking for some advice. I recently had a deployment with the National Guard, so I'm eligible for GI Bill benefits. I am already a commercial, instrument rated SEL pilot with around 350 hours. I do have aspirations of flying charter one day for a second career. Does anyone know of a way that I...
  3. Samuel choi

    Struggling in flight school (private pilot)

    Hello, currently I am doing part 141 private pilot course. I have finished my ground school, and passed my written. Right now I am having trouble in getting the endorsement to do solo. Right now, I have more than 50 hours of flight, but still having struggle with landing (timing of flare)...
  4. A

    Where should I go to flight school?!

    Hello! I am trying to decide if I should go to ATP flight school after receiving my ppl or if I should remain at the local flight school for my commerical certificate. I know ATP guarantees their students a job in order to get their remaining hours needed to work for an airline; my fear is...
  5. M

    Part 141 IFR Time Transfer

    Hello! I am new to the forum, but I have a question about part 141 ifr time requirements. I did my PPL part 141 and am looking to do my ifr with part 141 at the same school. Between getting my PPL, I took some cross country flights with an CFII who was not affiliated with the flight school I...
  6. L

    Seeking part 141 IFR training course traversing the USA

    Anyone know where I can find the following? High quality airplane, Glass cockpit 172 or such & Great instructor School having Part 141 training and I20 for visa Accelerated course - 2 -3 weeks Starting on one coast and crossing the USA to the other side, where I would hopefully do my check ride...