
  1. jsstevens

    I've come to a fork in the road (sort of) Commercial or not?

    Having just finished my long awaited instrument rating, I am planning to join a local flight club that has both a C-182 and a Piper Seminole (along with an assortment of 172's and Archers). My mid-range goals are to get the high performance endorsement while getting checked out in the 182 and...
  2. A

    Flight club at FFC (Atlanta area)

    I have several airplanes available in Atlanta area. Please contact me if you are interested. At present I have Cirrus SR20 (Gen 2) at LZU, Cessna 150 and 152 at WDR, Cessna 172 at CVC, Piper Cherokee 180 at Lenora, Piper Cherokee 180 and Piper Apache Geronimo Conversion at FFC. I can lease out...
  3. MulePilot

    Beginning Multi Training

    Hey guys, A while back I had posted a thread looking for opinions on whether to pursue my commercial certificate in a G1000 172S, or in a steam gauge B58, before moving to corporate aviation. Overwhelming, the response was to feed two engines over the magenta line. I want to thank everyone who...
  4. MulePilot

    Beginning Multi Training

    Hey guys, A while back I had posted a thread looking for opinions on whether to pursue my commercial certificate in a G1000 172S, or in a steam gauge B58, before moving to corporate aviation. Overwhelming, the response was to feed two engines over the magenta line. I want to thank everyone...
  5. A

    CFI for flight school

    Hello, Please let me know if you are a CFI or you know a CFI who is interest in joining flight school in south east side of Atlanta. Thanks.
  6. Martin Pauly

    Twin Training - VMC (Minimum Control Speed)

    During my multi-engine training, the VMC discussion - minimum control speed - was an eye opener for me. I had heard VMC was important, but did not realize just how quickly things can turn sour if one doesn't know how to respond to the first signs of losing directional control. As before with...