ipad app

  1. G

    Sheppard Air iOS - no iPhone

    I have had good luck with Sheppard Air for a few written test now but I just renewed my outdated FOI subscription ($20) and made the assumption that iOS was for iPads and iPhones. Well please don't make the same assumption I did. I got rid of my iPads recently hoping for an iPad Mini update...
  2. T

    Aviation Keyboard App for ForeFlight...Finally!!

    I recently came across on article on iPad Pilot News reviewing the app FFkeyboard and was quite impressed. Why hasn't ForeFlight thought of doing this on their own?? Anyways I went ahead and downloaded it to try it and this thing is a game changer. HUGE time saver and it really helps me keep...
  3. R

    New aviation weather app for iPhone/iPad called wx24 Pilot

    Check out a new aviation weather app called wx24 Pilot. Unlike other aviation weather apps, which basically reformats text weather data, wx24 Pilot pulls together the myriad of aviation weather data into a simple visual format allowing pilots to quickly see “Aviation Weather at a Glance.” The...