gratuitous mediocrity

  1. Sac Arrow

    Sac's muted TV review double header - NCIS Los Angeles, and CSI SVU

    It's time again. No sound, not always the full episodes, imperfect observations based on partial information. I think the lack of of audible cues accentuates the flaws present in these shows. The USA channel blew it big time. I got up at 4:50 a.m. so I could take my place at the Precor AMT in...
  2. Sac Arrow

    [rant]Reality TV Shows...

    I was going to post this in the Pet Peeves thread, but I feel it deserves a thread in its own. First of all, as a preface, I'm not a big time TV person and usually only watch it in the morning at the gym or maybe major sports events on the weekends. And I'm not big on reality TV shows either...