general aviation

  1. I threw it on the ground

    YouTube channel

    I’ve started a YouTube channel for some of the things we see in our GA shop. It’s not like a “how to”, mainly we just show things we find that are bad, and talk about how we may fix it. It’s been challenging compiling all the clips, because everyone is airdropping me things. Just curious...
  2. H

    Buy/build a new Experimental or an get an old GA and refurbish it?

    Hi folks. With today's prices for new (and old!) GA planes, looks like the experimental/home built/LSA market is looking attractive. Yes, I know that I'm comparing apples to pineapples, but both will fly you places. I also know that some LSA/ELSA have price tags of 200K-300K and more (brand...
  3. wayneda40

    Flying Small GA to Cuba - Three Amigos & Music

    Rolling back the calendar to 2016, with best buds Bill and Joe, we flew from California, to Cuba, and then onward to Guatemala, and returned up the Mexican Pacific coast. Our 5 days in Cuba were absolutely amazing, the people very kind, and the days music-filled. In this video we overview the...
  4. airfieldeats

    How would you answer this?

    I had a student recently ask me, "If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself before starting flight school?" I never thought about it until I had been asked. While there are several things I would advise, I would certainly have recommended that I finish ground training...
  5. Wesley Bryant

    Cessna 150H Purchase

    I am looking at purchasing a Cessna 150H. Aviation financing is horrendously difficult to obtain for low priced models and this seller is willing to do owner carried financing. Just because hes willing to do it, doesn't mean I'm just going to jump ship and purchase the thing. It doesn't look...
  6. C

    Puerto Rico - DR

    Hi there, New to the forum. I am a PPL based in Houston. I have family in the Dominican Republic. I would like to know if anyone has ever flown into the DR from Puerto Rico. Meaning, getting checked out in a C172 or PA28-140/160 in PR; Hobbs prices per rental agreement; Creating an...
  7. International Air Rally

    Caribbean Air Rally

    Hello everyone! We just came back from the Caribbean Air Rally 2017 (April 3rd - 16th) and it was a blast! 19 aircraft from the USA, Europe and Canada departed from Fort Lauderdale Executive on April 3rd to fly across the Caribbean. You can see pictures and videos on our Facebook page...