I’m looking to get my IR and stumbled upon his website. It looks like he has his own plane based out of KRYY. I couldn’t find much online so was curious if anybody was familiar with his operation and would recommend him as a CFI. Thanks!
First off good morning,
I posted yesterday and received great responses and great feedback from everyone on the post. An interesting subject did come up and I don’t know a lot of pilots or even a lot of cfis but I did wonder what is everyone thoughts on this topic. For a cfi initial candidate...
Good morning,
I have completed my written exams and cfi spin endorsement and looking to begin my cfi initial training. The issue I have ran into is finding a 2 year cfi that can train for cfi initial. I live in the southeast and in a perfect world I would like to train with an independent cfi...
Good Morning,
anyone on the forum know the upside of having an AGI(gold seal I know)?
Just curious to see if it’s worth it to take the agi exam.
Name some opportunities it may present Or don’t waste my money? Thank you
Hey, I’m in Mesa AZ I’m pilot training working on my CFI! Looking for a “FAIR” dpe for my CFI initial in either AZ, IA, or honestly anywhere else that can get me a checkride date!
Thank you for your help
My in laws live in Canonsburg PA (about 20 miles SW of Pittsburgh). I visit several times a year and would love an excuse to get away for a day to go flying. I would like to find a CFI/CFII and rental plane (preferably C182) nearby and do a short cross country and shoot some approaches along the...
I'm a PPL currently wrapping up my IR with the end goal of flying professionally. (Don't worry, this isn't an "are the airlines going to be hiring X years from now?!" post.) I'm hoping somebody will be able to give me some insight into a couple opportunities that I have. Both of these jobs are...
Good Evening, I recently passed my commercial checkride and I’m looking to begin my Cfi training here within the next two weeks. What are some of the pointers or tips from your experience as a cfi you wish you would have known from the start of your cfi training to make you a better pilot?
Hello everyone, currently in need of a CFI with 1000+ hour total time, 250+ hour retract gear, and 25 hours in a Comanche 250. Insurance is requiring 25hrs dual with such CFI before solo, I am located in Central Florida on KDED airfield. Anyone who qualifies and is near/knows of someone please...
Question: How much of a student pilots time in rotary wing transfer to fixed wing (PVT).
A prospective student who contacted me, former Navy (non flying), has about 40 hours icivilian helicopter training years ago, some solo time. He wants to get his fixed wing rating after a long hiatus...
but not learner.
I’ve been helping an older CFI renew her certificate using the AOPA CFI Renewal Course and I thought it was amusing how many different ways they refer to pilots receiving training.
If you need to renew your CFI this course is much better than Sporty’s although the quizzes are...
Hi, I’m currently between CFIs (thanks airlines) and need an endorsement to take the commercial written test. My old CFI I was using had his cert expire and is not renewing it since he’s in the airlines. I’m using Sheppard air but due to a glitch on their end, I wasn’t able to sign up under my...
A CFI ground school will be offered in Muskegon, Michigan this May (2023). It is an accelerated 10-day program, 9am-4pm. Contact me if you would like to be added to the information email list and have your availability factored into the final dates for the course.
For additional details or...
As a CFI what are the things your students can do to make you not want to work with them?
My schedule changed and I've already ****ed off one, and might be on my way to inadvertently annoying another. All relating to work and schedule alignment.
If you're a student please share, if you're a...
I am hopefully pursuing CFI later this year and I am aware of the need for a spin endorsement. I am a part owner of a 172M that is not placarded "No Spins." In talking to my fellow club members last night, I came up with a few questions:
1. If I show up with spin training in a 172, will the DPE...
Instrument Training:
A. Would you fly Part 141-35 dual (21/14) hours for $10,000 at a towered airport?
B. would you fly Part 61- 25 dual hours and 20 hours xc safety pilot $10,000 at a non-towered airport?
I’m torn between experience at a towered airport or the higher amount of hours for...
Hi everyone, new to this forum. Im looking for suggestions and opinions on finishing my commercial and CFI.
Long back story on me. Im from St louis MO. Which is where I did my private in 2015 and instrument last year. Im now working on my commercial and CFI initial. I was a automotive mechanic...
I am currently working on my CFI and have been building lesson plans. Through my lesson plan building, I have seen how many different FAR's are referenced on the lesson plans I bought (backseat pilot). Obviously I should know where to find my references and I have my far aim tabbed well, but...
It’s served me well for decades but this Sunday, which coincidentally will be the anniversary of the issuance of my PPL, my SP-30 (aka “The Standard”) logbook will have it’s final entry when Doris and I take to the air. After that I’m out of space! Now it’s time for me to get a big boy logbook...