back country

  1. C

    Backpacking near an airport

    Hey y’all! I just got my private pilot license and I love backpacking, so the question is does anyone know of airports in the western half of the US that have backpacking trails close to it?
  2. Michael Colley

    For Sale 2012 Backcountry Mackey SQ2

    Fully loaded Mackey SQ2 with all the options $225,000 Inquire Here: AFTT: 540 hrs Engine: 550.4 hrs TSNEW AeroSport Power IO-375-C2A (195 HP, 2000hr TBO) New in January 2012 Propeller: 106.0 hrs Whirlwind 2 Blade STOL GA-200-L...
  3. Blue172

    Airplane camping on the Bahamas Out Islands?

    So I am starting to plan my annual once month "airplane road trip" and this year we plan on heading from Wyoming to the Bahamas in late April and heading out as far as we can get; with the goal of reaching Mayaguana, the most easterly island in the Bahamas. We are already aware of the $300...
  4. Huckster79

    Ski Fliers and advice?

    I just bought a set of skis for 1947 Cessna 140. I will be going up with my local instructors, both ski fly so I like going with both to get different insights from both... But what general words of wisdom can the group offer? How much snow is safe? (Original Federal 1500 straight skis) How...