
  1. E

    PPL head injury medical exam

    I had a discovery flight last year and was thinking to enroll at flight school. In Dec 2023 I had a mild head injury, brain bleed, multiple skull fractures. Now that I have recovered well, I took another discovery flight to see if I have any motion sickness. I was fine. Other than tinnitus...
  2. E

    HIMS abuse versus dependence and step down plan

    First, I would like to say I take full responsibility for my actions and ownership of the fact the flying is a privilege. I want to keep this as detailed but short as possible so here are the details: DUI 2016 with .18 BAC which was then expunged, applied for 3rd class medical with HIMS AME...
  3. L

    Search for AME specializing in difficult cases (past Hx of ADHD)

    Hello, I'm in search of senior AME to help me navigate the process of obtaining a third class medical certificate after being denied for a past history of ADHD. I'll give you a brief summary of my situation. I was diagnosed with ADHD back in 2011 and prescribed adderall during my undergraduate...
  4. RockyPilot

    Depression and SSRI, but MISDIAGNOSED!!! Have I lost my medical for good??

    A little dramatic in the title, but after hearing my story you might understand. I am a pilot in the military and in 2018 I reported to medical with some issues. I was told nothing was wrong and sent on my way. This occurred every 4-6 months until 2020 when I was diagnosed with depression. I...
  5. K

    Trans-friendly AMEs in America

    Hello. Does anyone here know any AMEs that are friendly/accepting of transgender individuals? Ideally in Arizona but if not in Arizona than anywhere else in America is fine.
  6. T

    Ever received a medical after past history of Abilify?

    Long story short I had an extended moment of anxiety/OCd in my life and went to my doctor regarding it. I went through a few medications such as Xanax, Klonopin and eventually Abilify before I went to a psychiatrist and was prescribed Lexapro and Buspirone (to reduce side effects from Lexapro)...
  7. E

    Color restriction removal - need AME and Eye Doc

    I am trying to find two people - an AME in the NY/MA/VT area who has experience with color vision deficiency and an eye doctor who has the Optec 900 color vision tester. My son visited the SUNY College of Optometry for a FALANT and found that the antique lantern they have was apparently not...
  8. A

    Class 1 Medical

    Hi everyone, New to the Aviation world! I went and got my Class 1 Medical by an AME and was deferred. I made a mistake and didn't report everything i should (I know, stupid). Now i would like to re-submit a application with all the information that the FAA needs. I have history with Anxiety...
  9. S

    HIMS AME Neuro-cogscreen & medical help

    Hello all, recently I was deferred for my class 1 medical due to my use of 1 SSRI (Lexapro). *I want to get a class 1 medical first to see if I'm even elegiable to fly for the airlines as a career in the future*. I got the dreaded letter in the mail from the FAA requesting I go to see a HIMS...
  10. Y

    FAA 1st Class medical Deferral

    Hello all! new to the forum but have been poking around other related posts for awhile now. My situation is this. I was diagnosed with add in middle school,i was struggling in class and my parents thought it would be a good idea to get me drugged up. 1 appointment later I was prescribed adderal...
  11. Y

    Old Charges/Never Arrested or Convicted: Should I start Flight School?

    Hi all, I have browsed through the web regarding this question as it worries me. Although there are many threads about this, I have not found any similar to my situation. I wish to start flight training later this year, so I want to get all my ducks in a row before I spend all that time and...
  12. C

    AME could fix application

    Ok so while filling out my application I rushed through, marked no to everything including the question of medical discharge from military. My military discharge has always been a bit of a mystery to me, I was in for a very short time. 2 months, injured, injury didn’t heal fast enough, got...
  13. S

    ADHD / 3rd class medical GUT PUNCH -- questions.

    I was diagnosed with adult ADD in my late 20's and have been for short periods on stimulant meds-- come to find out, that's a no-go with the FAA. In order to get my 3rd class medical, I need to get a neuropsychological exam and get all of my records regarding ADHD treatment to my AME, and need...
  14. O

    AMEs: Has BM affected your volume?

    As I near semi-retirement from anesthesiology, I'm considering becoming an AME. Though I'm a big fan of BasicMed, I have my own reasons for not wanting to do BasicMed exams. So, a question for you AMEs: has BasicMed caused a noticeable drop in the number of Class III medicals that you do? If...
  15. A

    Good HIMS AME recommendations in Wisconsin/Illinois

    Hello all, I am going to pursue getting my class 3 medical, however, I will need a HIMS AME due to OCD/SSRI use. I’m looking for a good HIMS near the southern 1/2 of Wisconsin or the northern 1/2 of Illinois that will fight for me and guide me down the path to success. I have contacted Dr...
  16. N

    I am in for a tough time getting my 3rd Class medical, and I could use any advice or encouragement.

    [UPDATE]: Thank you to everyone who has helped and given advice. I'm seeing a lot of responses to my original post rather than my update further down in the thread. While it's appreciated, I now have a VERY clear understanding of every aspect and outcome of the "tough certification" pathway. I...
  17. PeterNSteinmetz

    Common FAA medical questions and information page

    I am pleased to provide a link to a new set of pages I have put up on my website which attempt to provide basic information regarding the process of obtaining an FAA medical, some of the issues with difficult cases, and answers to commonly asked questions...
  18. J

    AME in DFW

    Howdy fellow pilots! I am new to this forum and reopening an old post, as I need advises! The last exchanges I saw were dated a couple of years ago, so... let's start a new one! The AME I used to go to (Dr. Bobby G. Smith, in Arlington, TX) for the last 7 years retired, and I need to renew my...
  19. FlyingBliss

    AME and Type 1 Diabetes

    I'm a new student pilot training for my PPL and I have had well controlled type 1 diabetes for 30 years. The FAA has issued a list of what I call "disqualifiers" for type 1 diabetics to receive their initial medical certificate which are (1) no recurrent history of severe hypoglycemia in the...
  20. P

    First time 3rd Class Medical deferred to OKC

    I started the private pilot license program with enthusiasm. Ground school was a chore but completed it. Looking back, it would have been better if I took this online because my teacher sucked and wouldn't provide us powerpoint copies and told us nothing about what to do after we completed the...