
  1. L

    Have I lost my mind? ;)

    Good afternoon everyone. Like so many, I have had a lifelong dream to become a pilot. Life, money, lack of support had always stopped me. I am now in a new situation and would like to get educated on REAL LIFE pilot training before I start dropping money into a too old "career". I am 46...
  2. CessnaTom

    Too late to start Flying?

    I'm 34 years old and have had a passion for flying for about 5 years now. Not looking to fly Boeings or anything. Looking to start a career flying smaller aircraft. Is is too late for me to start at my age?
  3. M

    Second career

    Hello to everyone on the forum! I’m not sure if this is the exact area I should be posting this in so please forgive me if it’s not and if that is the case, please tell me which area or forum it should be in and I will move it. Obviously I’m a new member but I’m not a troll as I just usually...