ads-b out

  1. jssmith.lh

    EchoUAT with Skyfyx

    Looking for a pirep for the EchoUAT with Skyfyx. Looks like a relatively inexpensive solution for experimentals. Sorry certified folks :->
  2. Rooster T

    Do I need a Sentry/Scout if I have an iPad/Foreflight and the A/C has ADS-B out?

    I've googled but can't find the exact answer to what is I'm sure a simple question for most. I've just started flying again (C172 and PA-28) after a few years. I believe/assume all the rental aircraft have ADS-B out since we have a lot of B/C airspace around here (Seattle) and most of the A/C...
  3. A

    For Sale SkyBeacon ADS-B Out Transmitter by uAvionix

    Selling my ADS-B out Transmitter. It was never used. I had a prop strike on the plane and didnt get to use it. UNIQUE WINGTIP-MOUNTED DESIGN The skyBeacon replaces your wingtip navigation light with a simple, compact solution to become ADS-B out compliant. Remove your old light and install...
  4. Alex Batista

    Is AHRS worth an additional $260?

    So I was researching portable Dual GPS’ with ADS-B and it seems like the ONLY difference between the Dual XGPS170D and the Dual XGPS190 is that the 190 has AHRS. The 170D can be found for $419 and the 190 for $679. My question is; is the AHRS capability worth the extra $260? I should mention...
  5. P

    20 months to go ADS-B cheapest options

    With 20 months to go, I am looking at needing a new transponder and probably mode c encoder. I am not ADS-B compliant. I also do not have waas gps. Including install costs, what is my cheapest option? Is it the Appareo Stratus ESG or the Garmin GTX 335, or is there a less costly install and...
  6. S

    ADS-B out. Transponder and installation for $2,435. Why I pulled the trigger now instead of waiting.

    I have ADS-B in via a Gamin GDL 39 and Area 796. All I needed was ADS-B out to be legal. Appareo makes an all in one box (the Stratus ESG ADS-B Out and WAAS GPS) for only $2,995. Size-wise this is a replacement for most King and Narco transponders. I had a Narco AT-165 that was about 10...
  7. S

    ADS-B Out $2,435 Installed. How can that be ?

    ADDS B Out purchased and installed for $2,435 - Here is my ADS-B Story. I have ADS-B in via a Gamin GDL 39 and Area 796. All I needed was ADS-B out to be legal. Appareo makes an all in one box (the Stratus ESG ADS-B Out and WAAS GPS) for only $2,995. Size-wise this is a replacement for...