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  1. Inverted

    Extra 330 Normal Category

    The way I fly my airplane (I do mostly instruction) is that I takeoff in normal category with some fuel in the wings, I burn that off going to the practice area and start instructing when I get to ACRO II weight limits.
  2. Inverted

    Extra 330 Normal Category

    With FAA adults and full acro tank, you should be close to the limit of Acro II by the book. My Extra (strait Extra 300) has this limitation, and I am sure yours is the same: 2.8.2 NORMAL FLIGHT All acrobatic maneuvers are prohibited except stall, chandelle, lazy eight and turns up to 60...
  3. Inverted

    For Sale Aerobatic and spin training in the Bay Area CA

    Hey all, Thought I would post in here in case anyone in the Bay Area is looking to do any aerobatic flying, spin and upset training etc. I will also do BFRs and just random fun flights. I own and train with an Extra 300. Check out my website for more info
  4. Inverted

    Any Extra 300 owners here?

    I own a 1997 Extra 300. Happy to answer any questions you may have.
  5. Inverted

    Airplane Repo The TV Series

    This season is the worst of them all. I know of two airplanes (the T-6 and L-39) are planes they arranged to be on the show for publicity (they are Reno air racers) and were flown out by their respective pilots, and most certainly not repossessed. It is such a joke of a show it is just about too...
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    It shall be mine!

    Well, when weekend warriors bust TFRs, airspace and altitudes, bringing a product to mass market that can give some situational awareness is great for those that have to share airspace with those who suck at flying.
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    2008 Macbook Pro with upgrades

    2010 Macbook Pro with upgrades Sold on eBay.
  8. Inverted

    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    It is the same with airport closures, which I am close to being completely against. Instead of being so defensive on any changes to be made, taking a realistic approach to the situation would give AOPA more credibility, and would probably get more willing ears on the situation.
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    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    Perfect explanation of how AOPA is a BUSINESS, not an advocacy group. AOPA is a cyclical machine of charging members fees to enroll, just to ask them for more money. There isn't one historical reference to AOPA being instrumental in any policy changes, or representing the voice of their members.
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    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    AOPA, if you stop making useless swag to cram down members throats every year like pins, hats and headset cases etc. You wouldn't need to increase fee's at all. Combine that with the astronomical waste in paper you send to each member asking for MORE money ever 6 days... I stopped renewing my...
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    I get to fly a ...

    You don't need pedals in a single engine jet :p
  12. Inverted

    All Red Star XIII

    Is this the same event they did at Castle a few years?
  13. Inverted

    I get to fly a ...

    Fun airplane to fly, enjoy!
  14. Inverted

    Can you legally remove the CAPS?

    Couldn't be more inaccurate. It is spin certified in Europe.
  15. Inverted

    Daily Pic

    It is a fun airport to fly into. Not so much in a jet, but if I was flying something smaller and slower I would enjoy it even more.
  16. Inverted

    Daily Pic

    Telluride CO
  17. Inverted

    ForeFlight's single biggest flaw

    You might be the first person I have ever seen that prefers gov charts.
  18. Inverted

    ForeFlight's single biggest flaw

    Lack of VNAV? Synthetic vision? Do you guys want a gimmick or a useful tool? The GPS altitude information is always incorrect, sometimes as high as 1,000 or more. I would love to see: 1. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hour fuel burn values for aircraft that need that. 2. integration which...
  19. Inverted

    Debonair down at TEX

    It's a high climb gradient but they didn't smack the side of a mountain in climb out.