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    AI Rant

    This would be my point as well. Copywriters and graphic designers are early professional creatives losing job opportunities due to AI. Not an irreversible trend though and the results with AI may prove to not live up to expectations. Certainly will always be a place for creative expression, but...
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    AI Rant

    Would be great if the AI we were getting today was the version that automated all our unwanted tasks around the house, but instead it's the one that's replacing all our arts and creativity.
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    Great article on how Boeing has failed

    Yep, the RD-180s on Atlas V are Russian-made and Russia will (obviously) no longer service the remaining rockets in U.S. inventory. Also why National Security Space Launch Phase III was so important to award - they added Blue Origin as a launch provider there in order to continue to move away...
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    Boston area airports for my Mooney

    Agreed with OWD and the crew at Boston Executive are great.
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    For Flight School Graduates - Survey Opportunity

    Hello, I work for a market research firm called Arnovia, and we're collaborating with Aviation Week on a survey to collect opinions and perspectives on flight schools from those who have graduated to ATP certification. We're offering $50 gift cards for each qualified survey participant. (We're...