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  1. B

    IFR Route Filing and Lost Comm Procedures

    ...I know SNAFU, TU, and SWAG, but what the heck does NORDO mean? ...I love the idea of knowing where VFR is. Once in VFR, land and call FSS to cancel and let everyone else continue on with their lives. ...In an emergency you can do anything you want, and if you live to tell about it, the...
  2. B

    Flight Lesson: 6/18/09

    I am not a fan of this practice of pulling the power so close to the ground. I wonder what the local FSDO would think of this practice. You should call them and see what they have to say of creating a dangerous situation that did not need to be there. Pull the power in the practice area and...
  3. B

    CFI TSA recurrent training

    The TSA requirement is about money out of your pocket if you don't comply. Make sure that all of your students have given you a copy of the Birth Certificate or Passport before you begin flight training or you could end up with a $10,000 fine per student. This is about money, take it seriously
  4. B

    Flight review - what should I ask?

    You make a point about #1 and #2, but you don't specify how you judge the instructor. So if you instructor believes that doing a forward slip is dangerous, but you like living on the edge of death, you will not hire this instructor? If you don't like flying the "step", which I don't even know...
  5. B

    Flight review - what should I ask?

    I am totally lost on the idea that the student must bring up topics for discussion. It is the professional instructor to guide the pilot through the review. If you talk about flying and do some flying, you have covered the requirements for the flight review.