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  1. danhagan

    Do I need to see a HIMS AME

    First message happens to be regarding heroin use? Smells fishy ... you weren't the controller in the movie airplane were you?
  2. danhagan

    I Hate Enterprise

    Enterprise attempted to charge for windshield damage after a very short one way trip. Said they were tagging on $400 ... I video taped the entire care including the damage area prior to rental and also listed it on the "damage list", but they still attempted to charge for it ...
  3. danhagan

    First time solo in IMC

    No AP and that amount of time in awful IMC ... I'd pass and not even have gone airborne ... that sounds horrible doc ... did you have a passenger?
  4. danhagan

    Road Bump in Buying a Plane - No Place to Put It

    Find an old pilot, partner with him as he won't fly but a few hours a year at most, get both names on plane and lease ... problem solved as the older pilot will stop flying shortly ... you can change planes at that point if you didn't like your partnered plane ...
  5. danhagan


    Not in the list, but my DPE started with," you did read in the PTS that the DPE can request the power on stall with 20* of bank, correct? I'd like you to set that up and execute it." Did tons of power on stalls, but my first at 20* bank was during the checkride:po_O
  6. danhagan

    Got a laugh in traffic this morning.

    Roll window down,"Excuse me! You can't park there!":lol:
  7. danhagan

    Wealth Distribution in America

    Problem here is my retirement contribution costs have increased ... lottery tickets are TWO dollars now :oops::)
  8. danhagan

    Carb ice? (and beating myself up...)

    Only had carb ice once .... CFI was on-board. He said "Kiss" principle ... keep it simple (but didn't add the stupid part). CRAM anytime there's an RPM drop: He meant the throttle quadrant (MIX, CARB Heat and Throttle to full, tank change and boost pump). After this only option left is...
  9. danhagan

    Air-to-Air Piper Tri-Pacer

    I vote the first image for the next magazine cover you get:)
  10. danhagan

    Airline hiring

    It's because of that crazy airplane tail on backwards .... I have over 1000 hours and a ton of Tiger and RV time. I have to avoid the internet as huge corporate jet companies keep wanting to hire me site unseen for $500k a year to fly spoiled celebrities to their...
  11. danhagan

    Fuel cap chain loose inside tank - a flight cancelling issue?

    You may need more light to see it, avoid using a match:p:p:p:p
  12. danhagan

    Air-to-Air Piper Tomahawk

    I love that first image Jack from behind and above the plane ... and I'm not even a traumahawk fan;):)
  13. danhagan

    Charged With DUI When I Wasn’t Driving

    If you have the right "connections" you can get off of quite a few charges ... we have a local politician here that has escaped a ton of charges, as has several of their family members. When you bounce off parked vehicles on BOTH sides of the road:p .
  14. danhagan

    Low cost cellular wi-fi for hangar??

    I don't have it, but guys near me bought some text unit from Radio Shack a few years ago and load "the card" with text messages at half a penny each message and use that to cycle their heater on and off. Gary Masceli here I think does that as well ...
  15. danhagan

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    Some of you guys make me nervous:oops: I think the scanning technique taught years ago might be a lost art ... I run Foreflight as well, take a glance and get an idea what is near the field at 5 miles out if needed, and eyes out after ...
  16. danhagan

    Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated (my airplane is now a go-to image for crash articles)

    Ever wonder why the insurance on your N number has been increasing? ;) You sure do get around ... you might be setting a record for number of crashes also ...
  17. danhagan

    Suing for Copyright Infringement

    After seeing that photo Gary, is there any "reverse" recourse that maybe you could pay some of us for eye damage? ;);)
  18. danhagan

    Quality of Flight School Aircraft

    We have three pretty busy training facilities here in my area ... think a lot of the load are the rich kids from Mexico and other nations taking lessons here rather than in Arizona ...
  19. danhagan

    Quality of Flight School Aircraft

    We pre-flight for a reason, but OTOH that's a lot to be dealing with even across a fleet. Also says something about the student and CFIs on the flight before yours not squawking the items ... Training today is painful for these guys ... I started at $45 an hour wet 152 Sparrowhawk and thought...
  20. danhagan

    My 1st aviation hiccup

    Only time I ever got carb ice was in a Conti powered 152 during training, never since ...