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  1. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    I try to avoid facebook, although I may check it out and see what kinds of groups there are. Definitely expect to see a lot here in Florida. Mine is rather small, and although there is a CFI lounge off to the side of the main room, they do sometimes hang out there. I know they like to talk, but...
  2. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    Might have to rain check for next time. Also working a full time job to help afford instruction, Saturdays are full :(
  3. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    I've never heard of any of those state associations before, pretty interesting. They meet pretty close to me, I'll have to give them a look as well. Thanks for the suggestion! Definitely keep it in mind too as I get farther along.
  4. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    At this point, any networking I am doing is not targeting employment ventures. Maybe I'm not using the right term, but I'm looking for finding/meeting new people in the aviation industry who I can benefit from connecting with, either in a long run in a professional manner but mainly in the short...
  5. Vortex

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    That's awesome to hear, man! I'm going to try to record my first solo if I can snag a GoPro before then. It's really great you know exactly how your landings went, really good to be able to reflect on that. I just hope I'm solid on my own takeoffs and landings soon!
  6. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    Yeah, why not. Figure the earlier the better. No need for commitment now or any pertinent information I could use directly soon, other than training tips etc from other pilots' experiences. That, and opening my view up for other major career paths aside from airlines, if any. All information is...
  7. Vortex

    Windows 10 Help

    Although this sounds good on the surface, realistically they'd end up putting one in North Tampa or the Brandon/Riverview area once it gets built up more. Property on that scale is getting pretty expensive. But we all know they'd get business from 150 miles away in all directions, so
  8. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    This sounds like a good idea. I'll have to grab my laptop and sit by the entrance for a few hours in the mornings and see how it goes, especially on the days I have to fly. Thanks!
  9. Vortex

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    How'd it go? My CFI wants to endorse me pretty soon for mine. Just did a ground lesson today going over some things, tomorrow morning we plan on maneuvers and t/o + landings. gotta wait for IACRA to send me my temp though.
  10. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    That sounds really awesome, like a great place to hang out. My FBO is simply a flight school and the chief pilot is sometimes around and talking with the instructors, but I guess I feel a bit awkward still being a student and wanting to join in or talk to everyone. Maybe it's the kind of people...
  11. Vortex

    Windows 10 Help

    I wish they'd put one here in Florida. I'd commute to it every time I needed a part instead of waiting for a shipment. Huge potential here!
  12. Vortex

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    One of the tips that I got for aviation job networking was to hang out at small airports. Has it ever been awkward for any of you doing that? Or is that an actual thing that people do? The local FBO I'm training from has a rather small lobby and I'd be around any pilots from charters that come...
  13. Vortex

    What is the best way to study for the Instrument Written Test?

    Lots of people recommending Shephard Air or Sporty's for instrument, but has anyone used Pilot Institute's courses? Saw them at Sun N' Fun this year, I think they're relatively new. I'm still working on my PPL but they seem to be pretty in-depth from what I hear.