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  1. P

    Why leave flaps down to secure airplane?

    Thanks Dan!
  2. P

    RV-12 Wing Removal Safety

    My school got two factory built RV12’s. I only have a few hours in them, but I’m curious how easy/difficult it is to remove the wings. It’s the only thing that is keeping me on edge a little bit about teaching in them and doing maneuvers with them. I haven’t been able to find much data of how...
  3. P

    Why leave flaps down to secure airplane?

    My flight school has a Skycatcher and part of the securing checklist says to leave flaps down. I’ve seen 150’s and 152’s do this as well while parked on the ramp. Why?
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    O360 Oil Leak around Exhaust gasket during break-in

    So we just got our O360 overhauled, installed and the first 10 hours have been put on it. After the first flight, everything looked perfect except for a slight oil leak around the number 2 exhaust gasket and a little dripping down the exhaust pipe below the gasket. I can wipe it up around the...
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    Low Oil Temp

    Piper Cherokee 180 has low oil temp in the winter months. We don’t have a winterization plate and the owner doesn’t want to use aluminum tape. What are the risks if any of flying in cold weather with low oil temps? (120f or so). We use an oil pan pre heater but that’s all. Thanks
  6. P

    How to get students as a CFI?

    I recently became a CFI and got hired at one of the local flight schools, which is arguably the best and certainly biggest in the area. Other than the usual stragglers that book me on occasion, I’d like to know how I can advertise myself so to speak to get more students who become regular. The...
  7. P

    Any Allegiant Air pilots here?

    Hi, I am closing in on 1400hrs. I’m a CSEL/CMEL/Instrument and CFI. I am thinking about going to allegiant air. Anyone here fly for them? Curious what their QOL is like and how the non-rev policy is (ie., can you non-rev on other airlines or only AAY?) TIA!
  8. P

    ACS Standards Question

    Hello, I am just about to take my CFI checkride. My question is, the ACS says for the short field landing that the point is [clear 50' obstacle, +100', - 0', 1.3 Vso +/-5, over the centerline] If I pick the thousand footers (threshold bars) which are about 150ft long, does that 100ft start...
  9. P

    Tach to Hobbs conversion for logging

    Well sure, but I’ve gotta get to 1500 first
  10. P

    Tach to Hobbs conversion for logging

    That doesn’t answer my question. You’re an airline guy , how did the logbook audit go?
  11. P

    Tach to Hobbs conversion for logging

    I’ll do that from now on, but I’m curious about all the time I’ve logged previously using the 1:1.2 method. Like I say, I’m very particular about making sure I record my experience properly for a future airline job.
  12. P

    Tach to Hobbs conversion for logging

    Hi, I fly an airplane that doesn’t have a Hobbs meter. I’ve always used the 1 tach hour equals 1.2 hours of logging time method. For example, I flew a XC yesterday that was 4.4 tach hours, so I multiplied by 1.2 and I logged 5.3. It more or less matched the approx clock time, so I think it’s a...
  13. P

    Breaking in engine (another logging question)

    Hi, I am a CSEL/CMEL & Instrument pilot with 1300hrs TT (HP/Complex). A friend of mine just got his V35’s engine overhauled and asked me to help him break it in, as he isn’t very proficient. My only time in a V35 is safety pilot time, but I have time in a variety of airplanes. I flew it an...
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    Word to the wise - a warm body with a certificate days are over - for now.

    Doom and gloom, it’ll come back. We’ve seen this episode before.
  15. P

    Splitting Multi Engine Time and Logging

    A friend of mine bought into a nice twin Comanche recently and is checked out and insured in it. He has offered me 100 hours with him in it splitting costs. Of course the only legal way that I’m aware of is safety pilot, so that 100 hours would be safety pilot time. Ok, fair enough, but will I...
  16. P

    Logging King Air Time

    Don’t need one for the 200
  17. P

    Logging King Air Time

    So even though it’s still time I spent behind the controls flying it doesn’t count toward my total time… got it. That’s dumb.
  18. P

    Logging King Air Time

    Not what I’m saying. I’m still sitting right seat and working radios and being actively involved in the flight, I’m just not designated at “PIC” for that leg. I’m still flying regardless so it seems it should count toward total time.
  19. P

    Logging King Air Time

    That talks about logging PIC time. I know I can log PIC when I’m sole manipulator. My question is whether or not I can log the time for the whole flight (5hrs) but only that 2.5 of which was PIC. Would the whole flight count toward my total time as a pilot, but only the 2.5 would be PIC?
  20. P

    Logging King Air Time

    Hello, I recently had a trip in a King Air 200 flying right seat with an ATP rated pilot. We flew a bit over 5hrs round trip and I flew half of that as PIC sole manipulator of controls. He let me takeoff, manipulate autopilot and radios and land the airplane. Can I log the 5hrs under total...