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  1. Z

    TSA detention for carring cash

    I suggest that the TSA change their uniforms, they really should be wearing Brown Shirts. .... bunch of moronic idiots...... He was an impressively courageous young man! He never lost his cool and insisted on maintaining his rights. In the end he made his flight too!
  2. Z

    Pilot pulls 'cute in MD

    As a newly certificated Private Pilot, I read this story and I just cringe. Here is an experienced pilot with an IFR rating, 300+ hours of experience, plenty of time in the same Cirrus aircraft, and he becomes disoriented, ostensibly, because of a door opening? I found the comment " I was...
  3. Z

    Passed Checkride!

    Thank you to everyone, I greatly appreciate it!
  4. Z

    Passed Checkride!

    Hello to everyone!! Last week I passed my checkride!! Yippee!! This is my first official post on the forum. I have been lurking for the last 6 months or so and found lots of great information that helped me to get my certificate. I learned so much from this forum that I wanted to pass along...