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  1. P

    Need help with G430W

    Didn’t make sense to me either. Hold at ABQ VOR.
  2. P

    Need help with G430W

    I followed an earlier very good advice - asked and got to hold, three full rounds all the while pressing direct and it would offer only the KAEG, would not let me enter KABQ. If this was a true emergency and true IMC, there would be a crisis…
  3. P

    Need help with G430W

    So in emergency or to divert one has to work on flight plan first instead of overriding everything by pressing direct? I’d submit that it’s a design fault
  4. P

    Need help with G430W

    Thanks. I don’t understand why I have to add ABQ to flight plan, why would not Direct override that?
  5. P

    Need help with G430W

    So I was flying today from KABQ to KAEG in Cessna 172 with Garmin 433W. I entered and loaded a flight plan into Garmin. I was first doing some touch and Goes at KAEG because they (ATX) would not let me do a practice ILS-22 approach and then requested a practice hold and ILS at Ranway 3, but I...
  6. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Thanks. I am a bit confused here. Are you saying that (a) no matter where the arrow points the deflection of the needle (or its alignment) would still work (but probably awkward to view if for example the needle is horizontal) or (b) the HSI would right itself? Or did I completely miss the point...
  7. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Would there be a problem with losing communication with ATC while identifying Morse? I forget - will COM1 frequency still be heard when NAV1 is live? I forget as I’ve never done it solo but yes with CFII not paying attention due to the workload.
  8. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Oh I see. The OBS would have to be adjusted to final course either way (whether the approach is manually entered or by loading/activating an approach via proc button. Right? Come to think of it I forgot to do that as well…it so drives the message home of the need to slow down or ask for delay...
  9. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Thank you. I really did not think of it that way. So in principle I did not have to activate an approach for ILS, just ignore the GPS part of it and dial manually the localized frequency, toggle CDI to LOC and look for the glideslope to cone in. Never occurred to me, not just because it was busy...
  10. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Wow. Thank you so much. That’s (if I recall correctly) exactly what happened and seeing LNAV in red completely threw me off. So maybe if I had not started toggling the CDI button (and possibly trying to use direct - still fuzzy about my actions in rushed attempts to fix) perhaps the G430 would...
  11. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Thank you. Indeed that’s what I should have done. Has not occurred to me.
  12. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    Thank you for insightful comments - that’s probably what happened, did not auto switch as I did not inactivate the first leg. What are the best methods to do that? The two airports are so close that there was no time to check everything as a solo pilot. What puzzles me (through the haze of...
  13. P

    Practice ILS - need advice G430W

    On the ground I entered into Flight Plan two airports. The first one I activated ILS approach abd flew it, then continued to the second airport. With approval of ATC got to do ILS, when I tried to activate it by going to procedure it did not offer the second airport. Why is that? Then I tried...